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Using PySpark for Image Classification on Satellite Imagery of Agricultural Terrains

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1. Project Title:

Using PySpark for Image Classification on Satellite Imagery of Agricultural Terrains

Course : CS696 - Big Data Tools and Methods

Team Members:

  • Shah, Saumil
  • Naidu, Indraraj

2. Description

The goal of this project is to use Big Data Tools and Methods for Image Classification on Satellite Imagery of Agricultural Terrains. For this project we have used dataset available on [DeepSat (SAT-6) Airborne Dataset on Kaggle](DeepSat (SAT-6) Airborne Dataset | Kaggle). We have used python implementation of Apache Spark - PySpark and AWS Elastic MapReduce Instances (EMR) for setting up clusters on cloud and performing this experiment.

2.1 About the Dataset

This is a dataset contains images from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) dataset. It is a subset of the large NAIP dataset covering terrains over the State of California. Original NAIP dataset contained images which were converted to 28 * 28 image patches by the author which contains total of 4 channels, namely Red, Green Blue and Infrared. Hence, once image is flattened it will have total of 28*28*4 = 3136 features. The dataset from the Kaggle is already split into 80-20 ratio, where training data contains 324,000 images and testing data contains 81,000 images with their corresponding one-hot labels. To create one-hot labels there are total 6 categories‘water’, ‘road’, ‘grassland’, ‘trees’, ‘barren_land’, ‘building’ each corresponding to class label 1 to 6 respectively.

2.2 Code Outline

High-level Overview - Load Data - Transform Data - Feature Extraction (PCA) - Model Training (Random Forest) - Model Testing - Model Evaluation (Performance Statistics, Confusion Matrix)

3. Special Instructions

Default base_dir for dataset is deepsat-sat6. Hence, try keeping the notebook and this directory in the same folder. It also the notebook assumes by default that data generated from AWS is stored under fromAWS folder. For ease of use, data generated from our experiments from AWS is provided in that directory.

Since, the actual dataset is a space consuming (~5.6 GB), we have only provided a small set of that dataset, original dataset can be downloaded from the above link of Kaggle which only has first 200 rows with filenames having suffix _200.

Following file structure is advised: (in case of errors, please consult this)

... Project-DeepSAT.ipynb
... requirements.txt
... deepsat-sat6/
... ... sat6annotations.csv
... ... test_X_200.csv
... ... test_y_200.csv
... ... train_X_200.csv
... ... train_y_200.csv

... fromAWS/
... ... pca_200.model
... ... predictionAndLabels.csv
... ... random_forest.model

If downloading the full dataset use the following file structure:

... Project-DeepSAT.ipynb
... requirements.txt
... deepsat-sat6/
... ... sat6annotations.csv
... ... X_test_sat6.csv
... ... X_train_sat6.csv
... ... y_test_sat6.csv
... ... y_train_sat6.csv

... fromAWS/
... ... pca_200.model
... ... predictionAndLabels.csv
... ... random_forest.model


  • Here, filename pca_200.model could be different, based on the number of pca components chosen, here it is k=200.

  • For running, more information can be found inside the file. If you want test the find, you can supply option --demo, which will only take rows 5 rows. This behaviour can be changed in the code by supplying different values.

#To run locally
python \
-bd "./deepsat-sat6/" \
--demo -p 10 -t 5

#To run on AWS
python s3://cs696-project-deepsat/ \
-bd "s3://cs696-project/" -od "s3://cs696-project-deepsat/" \
--demo -p 10 -t 5
  • Also, AWS CLI Export is provided in the notebook for setting up clusters on AWS.

  • Logs generated from the AWS clusters have been provided under ./Logs directory.

4. Additional Libraries

You can install necessary packages to run these codes by running the following: pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Known Issues

Loading entire dataset on local machine causesJava Heap Memory issues, hence use small toy dataset with suffix _200 or consult the notebook for more details.


Using PySpark for Image Classification on Satellite Imagery of Agricultural Terrains






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