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This GitHub repository represents the culmination of several distinct projects undertaken throughout the FALL 2022 semester to develop a comprehensive interpreter for a simple programming language.

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Interpreter Project

This GitHub repository represents the culmination of several distinct projects undertaken throughout the FALL 2022 semester to develop a comprehensive interpreter for a simple programming language.

Program Execution

Valid Execution of the program necessitates the appropriate header and footer in the file, indicating the program's start and end.

Valid Program:



Variables can be declared without needing to be immediately defined.

Valid Datatypes:

  • INT (Integers)
  • FLOAT (Floating-Point Numbers)
  • BOOL (Boolean)

Variable Declaration:

  • Variable names are valid if they are alphanumeric, and can include an underscore (_) or an asperand (@). The variable name must start with either a letter or an underscore and can be followed by zero or more letters, digits, underscores, or asperands.
  • Using a variable in an expression before assigning a value to it is invalid.

Valid Variable Declaration:

<datatype> <variable-name>;
<variable-name> = <value>;


A comment is defined by all the characters following the sequence of characters “/*” as the starting delimiters to the closing delimiters “*/”.

  • Comments can span multiple lines.

Mathematical Operators

Valid Mathematical Operators:

  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)

Unary Operators:

  • Positive (+)
  • Negative (-)
  • Not (!) [only for boolean variables/expressions]

Conditionals and Control flow

Valid Logical Operators include:

  • And (&&)
  • Or (||)
  • Equality (==)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Less Than (<)

All logical operators and conditional expressions can be used inside and outside control flow statements including variable declarations.

  • Based on their nature, they will only return true or false.

Valid Control Flow:

The "IF" statement is a control flow statement used to conditionally execute a block of code. It allows the program to execute different sets of code based on a specified condition.

  • A valid "IF" statement can contain a singular code block or an alternate code block to run if the conditional expression is false ("IF/ELSE" statement).
  • All "IF" statements must end with "END IF;" to indicate the end of the conditional block.

"IF" Statement:

IF (<insert-conditional-expression>) THEN

"IF/ELSE" Statement:

IF (<insert-conditional-expression>) THEN

PRINT Statement

The "PRINT" statement is used to display output or information to the user. It allows the program to output values or text onto the screen or console.

  • The "PRINT" statement can take any number of arguments.
  • It accepts string literals, variables, and expressions, separated by commas.


INT r, h, addition, multiply;
r = 1;
h = 2;
addition = r + h; /* 3 */
multiply = r * h; /* 2 */
PRINT  ("The output results are: ", addition, " and ", multiply); /* returns "The output results are: 3 and 2" */

Exception handling

Exception handling occurs when errors are encountered during parsing or execution.

Types of Errors:

  • Syntax Errors: Occurs when invalid syntax is encountered that does not conform to the language syntax.
  • Runtime Exceptions: Occurs when invalid operations are performed, such as using an undeclared variable within the "PRINT" statement or using the NOT unary operator in the definition of an INT variable.


This GitHub repository represents the culmination of several distinct projects undertaken throughout the FALL 2022 semester to develop a comprehensive interpreter for a simple programming language.







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