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An experimental typing of Lojban grammar, in Haskell.

Trying it out

Only AST-like datatype construction and convertion to Lojban are supported now. Convertion to Lojban is implemented as untyping to a TextTree (S-expression-like structure), followed by flattening.

Most code resides in Lojban.Grammar and Lojban.Language modules. A few examples:

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ Mi

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ Bridi1 pelxu defaultSC Ti
    "(ti [pelxu])"

  • Specifying context to a selbri in a bridi, swapping sumti places

      reprTextTree $ untype $ Bridi2 zdani defaultSC {hasCu=True,
          places = Just [defaultSP {tag = Just Fe}, defaultSP {tag = Just Fa}]} Ti Zo'e

    "(([fe] zo'e) cu [zdani] ([fa] ti))"

  • Contexts do not influence (semantic) equality

        Bridi2 zdani defaultSC {hasCu=True, places = Just [defaultSP {tag = Just Fa}]} Ti Zo'e ==
            Bridi2 zdani defaultSC Ti Zo'e


  • pelxu has type Brivla Nat1 — it has only one slot

      Bridi2 pelxu defaultSC Zo'e Zo'e  

    Results in a type error

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ tavla `tanruApp` pelxu `tanruApp` zdani
    "((tavla pelxu) zdani)"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ tavla `tanruApp` pelxu `bo` zdani
    "(tavla (pelxu [bo] zdani))"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ tavla `tanruApp` pelxu `co` zdani
    "((tavla pelxu) [co] zdani)"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ keKe'e $ zdani `bo` pelxu
    "(ke zdani [bo] pelxu ke'e)"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ Bridi1 (pelxu `co` zdani) defaultSC Zo'e
    "(zo'e [(pelxu [co] zdani)])"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ Bridi1 pelxu defaultSC (lo zdani)
    "(([lo] zdani) [pelxu])"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ loKu zdani
    "([lo] zdani ku)"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ lo $ tavla `bo` zdani
    "([lo] (tavla [bo] zdani))"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ withFGTag Ui $ ke $ pelxu `bo` zdani
    "(ke pelxu [bo .ui] zdani)"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ withFGTagC Ui defaultFGTC {suffixPosition = True} $ keKe'e $ pelxu `bo` zdani
    "((ke pelxu [bo] zdani ke'e) [.ui])"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ withFGTag Ui $ Mi
    "(mi [.ui])"

  • reprTextTree $ untype $ withFGTag Ui $ lo zdani
    "([lo .ui] zdani)"

Note: The Haskell code here requires GHC 7.6.


An experimental typing of Lojban grammar, in Haskell






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