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jira which is dockerized and secured with letsencrypt SSL, mirrored from Gitlab


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Jira in docker

0. Prerequisites

  • docker 19.03+, docker-compose 1.27+

I. Initial Config

You have 3 choices with 3 different kinds of deployment.

  1. With local deployment (HTTP only), we need to add jira.internal into hosts file:

    echo ' jira.internal' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  2. With other deployment that requires SSL, simply change docker-compose files by referring .env:


    Add your cert stuff into certs/, with full chain as fullchain1.pem, trusted chain as chain1.pem and private key as privkey1.pem.

  3. For Let's Encrypt SSL certificate auto-renewal, update your .env like below:

    ACCOUNT_EMAIL[email protected]

    Your SSL cert will be renewed automatically every 60 days, and configured with OCSP Must Staple and Certificate Transparency.

    Moreover, your proxy will be enabled TLS 1.3, OCSP Stapling, Forward Secrecy and HSTS.

II. Step by step

  1. Build them up:

    In case of LE cert auto-renewal, you need to start nginx-proxy and nginx-proxy-acme first:

    docker-compose up -d nginx-proxy-acme && docker-compose logs -f nginx-proxy nginx-proxy-acme

    Then start the other containers with:

    docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f

    If you don't need cert auto-renewal, only need to run the latter command.

  2. Everything will be automatically configured, until you reach the license prompt screen:


  3. Copy the license server id, for example BPOD-YXDV-LMVB-DIC0, then run command below, with -p for product, -m for email, -n for license name, -s for license server id:

    java -jar atlassian-agent.jar \
     -p jira \
     -m [email protected] \
     -n hino \
     -o akatsuki \

    If java is not installed at your machine, use below docker command:

    docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/atlassian-agent.jar:/atlassian-agent.jar" \
     openjdk:8-jre-alpine \
     java -jar atlassian-agent.jar \
     -p jira -m [email protected] -n hino -o akatsuki \
  4. Copy the generated license code, get back to your browser and submit it, then BOOM!!! you're done 🐳


  5. Check what they are doing behind your back:

    docker-compose logs -f --tail 69
  6. Tired of Jira, burn them down, but keep the volumes in case you change your mind:

    docker-compose down

IV. Frequently Q&A

  1. Be aware that changing postgres default database name (postgres -> jira), it'll create a new database jira and doesn't accept incoming connection during that time. Therefore you may encouter a problem when Jira perform DB pre-database startup check and can not start Jira server. You may need to:

    • Simply restart jira service with: docker-compose restart jira
    • Change postgres config POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_USER back to default as postgres
    • Implement docker delayed startup config, pls refer:

    For the sake of simplicity, and meaningful DB config, I wont re-config it now, but will track and update if needed.

  2. Change attachment size

    Access this url: https://<your-jira>/secure/admin/ViewAttachmentSettings.jspa

    Change the Attachment Size to what you want (e.g. 20mb ~ 20971520b - note that mb here is actually mib), then update nginx-proxy/proxy-wide.conf correspondingly:

    client_max_body_size 20m;

    Recreate your nginx-proxy container:

    docker-compose up -d --no-deps --force-recreate nginx-proxy
  3. Last but not least, the Jira crack mechanism is thank to Zhile, you can refer the source and donate to him via:


jira which is dockerized and secured with letsencrypt SSL, mirrored from Gitlab








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