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Releases: hlaueriksson/LoFuUnit


17 Jul 12:20
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v4.0.0-preview.1 Pre-release


  • Bump AutoFixture to 5.0.0-preview0011
  • The<TDependency>() can now be used get auto-mocked dependencies after the Subject has been created
  • One<T> creates one Mock / Fake / Stub
  • Some<T> creates some Mocks / Fakes / Stubs


  • Bump AutoFixture.AutoFakeItEasy to 5.0.0-preview0011
  • The<TDependency>() can now be used get auto-mocked dependencies after the Subject has been created
    • Including FakeItEasy Fake<> dependencies
  • One<T> creates one fake
  • Some<T> creates some fakes
  • The FakeItEasy.Analyzer.CSharp package is added as a transitive dependency
  • The FakeItEasy and LoFuUnit.AutoFakeItEasy namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


  • Bump AutoFixture.AutoMoq to 5.0.0-preview0011
  • The<TDependency>() can now be used get auto-mocked dependencies after the Subject has been created
    • Including Moq Mock<> dependencies
  • One<T> creates one mock
  • Some<T> creates some mocks
  • The Moq.Analyzers package is added as a transitive dependency
  • The Moq and LoFuUnit.AutoMoq namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


  • Bump AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute to 5.0.0-preview0011
  • The<TDependency>() can now be used get auto-mocked dependencies after the Subject has been created
  • One<T> creates one substitute
  • Some<T> creates some substitutes
  • The NSubstitute.Analyzers.CSharp package is added as a transitive dependency
  • The NSubstitute and LoFuUnit.AutoNSubstitute namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


  • Bump MSTest.TestFramework to 3.5.0
  • The Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.Analyzers packages are added as transitive dependencies
  • The Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting and LoFuUnit.MSTest namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


  • Bump NUnit to 4.1.0
  • The Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, NUnit3TestAdapter and NUnit.Analyzers packages are added as transitive dependencies
  • The NUnit.Framework and LoFuUnit.NUnit namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


  • Bump xunit to 2.9.0
  • The Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk, xunit.runner.visualstudio and xunit.analyzers packages are added as transitive dependencies
  • The Xunit, Xunit.Abstractions, Xunit.Sdk and LoFuUnit.Xunit namespaces are globally included if ImplicitUsings are enabled


29 Dec 17:10
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  • Fix test method invocation bug that occurs on some TargetFrameworks
  • Add [CallerMemberName] parameter to Assert and AssertAsync methods
    • The caller of these methods will implicitly be used, so don't set this parameter explicitly.
  • Bump AutoFixture to 4.18.1
  • Bump MSTest.TestFramework to 3.1.1
  • Bump NUnit to 4.0.1
  • Bump xunit to 2.6.4
  • Change TargetFramework of LoFuUnit.NUnit to net6.0


01 Jan 09:34
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  • Remove TargetFramework net461
  • Fix lambda expression bug #7
  • Bump MSTest.TestFramework to 3.0.2
  • Bump NUnit to 3.13.3
  • Bump xunit to 2.4.2