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Gödelfish is a Gödel numbering for the (joke) esoteric programming language Deadfish.

It has a page on the esolangs wiki.

This repo contains the specification and some simple scripts to work with (generate, convert, and evaluate) code and Gödel numbers.

There are two kinds of Gödelfish numbers (𝜑̈):

  • Natural Gödelfish: Non-negative integers (ℕ), representing all possible Deadfish programs.
  • Unnatural Gödelfish: Real numbers from (ℝ − ℕ), representing all possible Brainf*** programs.

Both kinds are converted numerically into Brainfoctal (a Gödel numbering of Brainf***), and then can be executed as bf to produce the expected output.


  • Experiment converting between two programming languages directly from Gödel numberings using equations / mathematical functions.
  • Experiment mapping a Gödel numbering of a program to its output solely by means of equations / mathematical functions. (Natural Gödelfish does this to evalute the admittedly simple Deadfish language).


  • /scripts
    • dfᗒ Converts Deadfish code into Gödelfish integer
    • gfᗒ Converts a Gödelfish integer into Brainfoctal
    • gfᗒ Converts a Natural Gödelfish value into its resulting output encoding (i.e. evaluates a program directly from its Gödel number)
  • Wraps all of the above into one 'helpful' utility.

Usage and examples

Clone this repo from Github and use the scripts directly.

Hello World! (Unnatural conversion)

$ ./ -b -0.02267050412500270959407579713247251696870738403389181782725188269749688319088642196836222187626319203264982082686924411902690

Assuming you have a bf interpreter bff4 on your $PATH you can pipe the output to see it evaluate:

$ ./ -b -0.02267050412500270959407579713247251696870738403389181782725188269749688319088642196836222187626319203264982082686924411902690 | bff4
Hello World!

Deadfish overflow test (Natural conversion)

The 0d prefix for the number is a custom base-4 notation:

$ ./ -b 0d011221203

The input number 0d011221203 is equivalent to decimal 23139, or hex 0x5a63, and all of these formats are recognised as input by the interpreter. Conceptually it is important that the program input is a single numeric value, not a string of symbols from one specific alphabet or in one specific base.

Assuming you have a bf interpreter bff4 on your $PATH you can pipe the output to see it evaluate the correct Deadfish accumulator output value:

$ ./ -b 0d011221203 | bff4

Output encoding evalutation

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ -h
usage: gfᗒ [-h] value [radix] [digits]

Convert a Natural Gödelfish value into its resulting output encoding.

positional arguments:
  value       Gödelfish value, 𝜑̈ ∈ ℕ
  radix       radix of output values
  digits      number of digits per output value in base radix

Deadfish overflow test (Natural evaluation)

Base-10 output encoding:

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ 0d011221203 10

Hexadecimal ouput:

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ 0d011221203 16

Multi-value output (Natural evaluation):

Base-10, 3 digits per output value:

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ 0x59565555d55555555555555d555f570000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000020c000357000c0003 10 3

Base-10, 5 digits per output value:

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ 0x59565555d55555555555555d555f570000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000020c000357000c0003 10 5

Base-16, 16 digits per output value:

$ ./scripts/gfᗒ 0x59565555d55555555555555d555f570000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000020c000357000c0003 16 16

Interactive arithmetic Deadfish interpreter in shell

while read df;do ./scripts/gfᗒ $(./scripts/dfᗒ $df | egrep -o '0x.*$') 10 5 | rev | sed -r 's/(.{5})/\1 /g' | rev ;done

This reads standard Deadfish idso commands from STDIN, converts them to Gödelfish, and evaluates the commands arithmetically. The sed command groups output to 5 decimal place values.