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Repository of "Codo a Codo - Full Stack Java" Back-end side, project.


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Codo a Codo - Back-end Project [2022]

Repository of Codo a Codo - Full Stack Java Back-end project.

SummaryKey FeaturesInstallationRelatedLicenseAcknowledgmentsContact

(watch a video preview)


This is a project about Back-end side of a web application, made with several technologies like you can see in languages, side bar of the GitHub repository page. The web application is about an admin panel of a supermarket. In this panel you can manage your employees and products, throw several options in the navbar. In addition, I used npm packages like: Prettier and Husky to make my code be more 'prettier'.

Key Features

  • Summary
    • You can see amount of active employees and products in the home page.
  • Add Employee/Product
  • Delete Employee/Product
  • Update Employee/Product Data
  • See List of Employees/Products
  • Delete all Employees/Products
  • Search Employees By Last Name
  • Search Products By Brand
  • Dynamic Notifications System
  • Responsive Design By Bootstrap v5.3.0

(images of responsive design)


Clone the repository and use Eclipse IDE with Apache Tomcat v9. Then you have to install mySQL, because this application interact with a database, call 'Supermarket', to store list of employees and products. After that, start apache server of the web application and go to http://localhost:8080/supermarket/, where you are going to see the preview of this application.

• Optional: Run command npm install to install all packages used for make a clean code, like Prettier and Husky for pre-commits.



This repository is under MIT License, if you want to see what you are allowed to do with the content of this repository, please visit choosealicense for more information.


Thanks to Codo a Codo teachers to teach me how to program in Java and others technologies in a productive way.


If you want to contact me, please see my socials medias in my GitHub profile.