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mudongliang committed Aug 7, 2024
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299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions sources/llvm/
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status: collected
title: "Writing an LLVM Pass"
author: Linux Kernel Community
collector: tttturtle-russ
collected_date: 20240807
# Writing an LLVM Pass

::: program

::: {.contents local=""}

## Introduction \-\-- What is a pass?

:::: warning
::: title

This document deals with the new pass manager. LLVM uses the legacy pass
manager for the codegen pipeline. For more details, see
`WritingAnLLVMPass`{.interpreted-text role="doc"} and
`NewPassManager`{.interpreted-text role="doc"}.

The LLVM pass framework is an important part of the LLVM system, because
LLVM passes are where most of the interesting parts of the compiler
exist. Passes perform the transformations and optimizations that make up
the compiler, they build the analysis results that are used by these
transformations, and they are, above all, a structuring technique for
compiler code.

Unlike passes under the legacy pass manager where the pass interface is
defined via inheritance, passes under the new pass manager rely on
concept-based polymorphism, meaning there is no explicit interface (see
comments in `PassManager.h` for more details). All LLVM passes inherit
from the CRTP mix-in `PassInfoMixin<PassT>`. The pass should have a
`run()` method which returns a `PreservedAnalyses` and takes in some
unit of IR along with an analysis manager. For example, a function pass
would have a
`PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);`

We start by showing you how to construct a pass, from setting up the
build, creating the pass, to executing and testing it. Looking at
existing passes is always a great way to learn details.

## Quick Start \-\-- Writing hello world

Here we describe how to write the \"hello world\" of passes. The
\"HelloWorld\" pass is designed to simply print out the name of
non-external functions that exist in the program being compiled. It does
not modify the program at all, it just inspects it.

The code below already exists; feel free to create a pass with a
different name alongside the HelloWorld source files.

### Setting up the build {#writing-an-llvm-npm-pass-build}

First, configure and build LLVM as described in
`GettingStarted`{.interpreted-text role="doc"}.

Next, we will reuse an existing directory (creating a new directory
involves messing around with more CMake files than we want). For this
example, we\'ll use `llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/HelloWorld.cpp`, which
has already been created. If you\'d like to create your own pass, add a
new source file into `llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/CMakeLists.txt`
(assuming you want your pass in the `Transforms/Utils` directory.

Now that we have the build set up for a new pass, we need to write the
code for the pass itself.

### Basic code required {#writing-an-llvm-npm-pass-basiccode}

Now that the build is setup for a new pass, we just have to write it.

First we need to define the pass in a header file. We\'ll create
`llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/HelloWorld.h`. The file should
contain the following boilerplate:

``` c++

#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"

namespace llvm {

class HelloWorldPass : public PassInfoMixin<HelloWorldPass> {
PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);

} // namespace llvm


This creates the class for the pass with a declaration of the `run()`
method which actually runs the pass. Inheriting from
`PassInfoMixin<PassT>` sets up some more boilerplate so that we don\'t
have to write it ourselves.

Our class is in the `llvm` namespace so that we don\'t pollute the
global namespace.

Next we\'ll create `llvm/lib/Transforms/Utils/HelloWorld.cpp`, starting

``` c++
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/HelloWorld.h"

\... to include the header file we just created.

``` c++
using namespace llvm;

\... is required because the functions from the include files live in
the llvm namespace. This should only be done in non-header files.

Next we have the pass\'s `run()` definition:

``` c++
PreservedAnalyses HelloWorldPass::run(Function &F,
FunctionAnalysisManager &AM) {
errs() << F.getName() << "\n";
return PreservedAnalyses::all();
\... which simply prints out the name of the function to stderr. The
pass manager will ensure that the pass will be run on every function in
a module. The `PreservedAnalyses` return value says that all analyses
(e.g. dominator tree) are still valid after this pass since we didn\'t
modify any functions.
That\'s it for the pass itself. Now in order to \"register\" the pass,
we need to add it to a couple places. Add the following to
`llvm/lib/Passes/PassRegistry.def` in the `FUNCTION_PASS` section
``` c++
FUNCTION_PASS("helloworld", HelloWorldPass())

\... which adds the pass under the name \"helloworld\".

`llvm/lib/Passes/PassRegistry.def` is #include\'d into
`llvm/lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp` multiple times for various reasons.
Since it constructs our pass, we need to also add the proper #include in

``` c++
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/HelloWorld.h"

This should be all the code necessary for our pass, now it\'s time to
compile and run it.

### Running a pass with `opt`

Now that you have a brand new shiny pass, we can build
`opt`{.interpreted-text role="program"} and use it to run some LLVM IR
through the pass.

``` console
$ ninja -C build/ opt
# or whatever build system/build directory you are using

$ cat /tmp/a.ll
define i32 @foo() {
%a = add i32 2, 3
ret i32 %a

define void @bar() {
ret void

$ build/bin/opt -disable-output /tmp/a.ll -passes=helloworld

Our pass ran and printed the names of functions as expected!

### Testing a pass

Testing our pass is important to prevent future regressions. We\'ll add
a lit test at `llvm/test/Transforms/Utils/helloworld.ll`. See
`TestingGuide`{.interpreted-text role="doc"} for more information on

``` llvm
$ cat llvm/test/Transforms/Utils/helloworld.ll
; RUN: opt -disable-output -passes=helloworld %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
; CHECK: {{^}}foo{{$}}
define i32 @foo() {
%a = add i32 2, 3
ret i32 %a
; CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}bar{{$}}
define void @bar() {
ret void
$ ninja -C build check-llvm
# runs our new test alongside all other llvm lit tests

## FAQs

### Required passes

A pass that defines a static `isRequired()` method that returns true is
a required pass. For example:

``` c++
class HelloWorldPass : public PassInfoMixin<HelloWorldPass> {
PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);

static bool isRequired() { return true; }
A required pass is a pass that may not be skipped. An example of a
required pass is `AlwaysInlinerPass`, which must always be run to
preserve `alwaysinline` semantics. Pass managers are required since they
may contain other required passes.
An example of how a pass can be skipped is the `optnone` function
attribute, which specifies that optimizations should not be run on the
function. Required passes will still be run on `optnone` functions.
For more implementation details, see
### Registering passes as plugins
LLVM provides a mechanism to register pass plugins within various tools
like `clang` or `opt`. A pass plugin can add passes to default
optimization pipelines or to be manually run via tools like `opt`. For
more information, see `NewPassManager`{.interpreted-text role="doc"}.
Create a CMake project at the root of the repo alongside other projects.
This project must contain the following minimal `CMakeLists.txt`:
``` cmake
add_llvm_pass_plugin(MyPassName source.cpp)

See the definition of `add_llvm_pass_plugin` for more CMake details.

The pass must provide at least one of two entry points for the new pass
manager, one for static registration and one for dynamically loaded

- `llvm::PassPluginLibraryInfo get##Name##PluginInfo();`
- `extern "C" ::llvm::PassPluginLibraryInfo llvmGetPassPluginInfo() LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_WEAK;`

Pass plugins are compiled and linked dynamically by default. Setting
`LLVM_${NAME}_LINK_INTO_TOOLS` to `ON` turns the project into a
statically linked extension.

For an in-tree example, see `llvm/examples/Bye/`.

To make `PassBuilder` aware of statically linked pass plugins:

``` c++
// Declare plugin extension function declarations.
#define HANDLE_EXTENSION(Ext) llvm::PassPluginLibraryInfo get##Ext##PluginInfo();
#include "llvm/Support/Extension.def"


// Register plugin extensions in PassBuilder.
#define HANDLE_EXTENSION(Ext) get##Ext##PluginInfo().RegisterPassBuilderCallbacks(PB);
#include "llvm/Support/Extension.def"
To make `PassBuilder` aware of dynamically linked pass plugins:
``` c++
// Load plugin dynamically.
auto Plugin = PassPlugin::Load(PathToPlugin);
if (!Plugin)
// Register plugin extensions in PassBuilder.

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