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A self-documenting logging system for .Net -- like Swagger (UI) for logs.



public class MyListenerClass: ILogListener { . . . }
. . .
Log.AddListener(new MyListenerClass());


Log.Warning(new FailedToSend{Client="WhizbangSvc", Reason="it was rejected by client"});

Message Setup:

// This is the structure of the message, with replacement blocks:
[LogMessageTemplate("Could not send message to {Client} because {Reason}")]
// This text explains why the message would be logged, and what to do about it -- to be used by an Operations team:
[LogMessageDescription("A message was to be sent to a 3rd party client, but a non-network error occured.",
                       Causes = "Sent as a warning if it is not customer-impacting, as an error otherwise.",
                       Actions = "Check configuration matches accounts if one client gets repeated errors.")]
public class FailedToSend : TemplatedLogMessage {
    [LogParam("The 3rd party we were trying to send to")]
    public string Client {get;set;}

    [LogParam("Human-readable reason the message failed")]
    public string Reason {get;set;}

Sample Result:

Could not send message to WhizbangSvc because it was rejected by client

Gasconade UI

Aspnet Core MVC

Add to application configuration like:

app.UseGasconadeUI(config => {

.Net Framework MVC WebApi

Add in global config like:

protected void Application_Start() {
    . . .

And a class like:

public class GasconadeConfig {
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {

Accessing the UI

If the setup is correct, there should be a route at http(s)://. . ./gasconade that exposes the UI. You can add a link from your SwaggerUI like this:

config.EnableSwagger(c => {
            c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "SampleWebApi")
             .Description("A sample web application.<br/>For logging details, see " + GasconadeUi.Link("here"));
    .EnableSwaggerUi(c => {
            c.DocumentTitle("My Swagger UI");

If your message definitions are in a different assembly, you can add them like this:

config.EnableGasconadeUi(c =>

You can add a link back to Swagger UI like this:

config.EnableGasconadeUi(c =>
        . . .