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Emilio Del Castillo edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 3 revisions

This list will always be evolving. My goal is to document as many device configurations as possible. If you would like to contribute to this list, please fill out the following fields in the example configuration.

Bulb, Colored, Dimmable -- ChangM Candle Bulb

  • Purchase Link: Amazon
  • Device config:
  "name": "bulbName",
  "type": "RGBTWLight",
  "manufacturer": "Rayan Khan",
  "model": "Candle Bulb Slatt",
  "id": "REDACTED",
  "key": "REDACTED",
  "ip": "",
  "dpPower": "20",
  "dpMode": "21",
  "dpBrightness": "22",
  "dpColorTemperature": "23",
  "dpColor": "24",
  "maxWhiteColor": "221",
  "colorFunction": "HSB",
  "minBrightness": 10,
  "scaleBrightness": 1000,
  "scaleWhiteColor": 1000

Bulb, Colored, Dimmable -- Smart Led Mood Light

  "type": "RGBTWLight",
  "name": "Bureau",
  "id": "######",
  "key": "######",
  "manufacturer": "LSC",
  "model": "Smart Led Mood Light",
  "dpPower": 20,
  "dpMode": 21,
  "dpBrightness": 22,
  "dpColorTemperature": 23,
  "dpColor": 24,
  "colorFunction": "HSB"

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