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Siegfried Pammer edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Current language feature status of the master branch is detailled in issue #829.

History Overview

Release Date Version Description
24th June 2018 3.2.0 RC Last release candidate of 3.2 (changelog)
1st July 2018 3.2.0 Final release of 3.2 (changelog)
Fall/Winter 2018 4.0.0 Next major release with architectural changes to leverage better performance and improved correctness.



Architectural Changes

  • Move metadata layer from Mono.Cecil to System.Reflection.Metadata (SRM): This will greatly reduce the memory footprint of both, ILSpy and the Decompiler engine.
  • Implementation of a new "Type System" representation based on SRM.
  • All public APIs use the new "Type System".

New Features

  • Generate PDB files from assemblies (in both ILSpy and the Visual Studio AddIn)

Language Features

  • tbd

