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Equity Framework

Equity Framework is a WordPress theme framework for Real Estate Themes by IDX, LLC.


== 1.7.13 ==

  • New: Google My Business option added to Equity Theme Settings
  • Fix: Compatibility fix for IMPress for IDX Broker 3.0+

== 1.7.12 ==

  • New: Completed Font Awesome 5 transition
  • Fix: Minified CSS file

== 1.7.11 ==

  • Fix: Resolves issue with custom CSS section not loading correctly
  • Fix: Rest route registration warning

== 1.7.10 ==

  • Fix: Removed reference to Google+

== 1.7.9 ==

  • New: Font Awesome 5 added

== 1.7.8 ==

  • Fix: State is now shown in the Equity Quick Search widget's city list

== 1.7.7 ==

  • Feature: IDX HOME - Equity featured page widget now supports community pages

== 1.7.6 ==

  • Update: Rebranded Agent Evolution to IDX, LLC

== 1.7.5 == Release: 08.23.2018

  • Fix: Update link to Font Awesome cheatsheet in Icon Box widget.
  • Fix: Update CMB2 library for custom metabox creation in child themes.

== 1.7.4 == Release: 04.11.2018

  • New: IDX Sitemap URL is now retrieved from API. Feed URL metabox field removed from Theme Settings.
  • New: Saved links in widgets will now use clients/savedlinks API endpoint, no longer requiring Equity license and URL validation.
  • Fix: Header right menu alignment issue in some themes.
  • Fix: Carousel scripts only loading when necessary.

== 1.7.3 == Released: 03.01.2018

  • New: Added skip links for themes that have declared accessibility support
  • Fix: Extra quote removed from icon box shortcode output
  • Fix: Removed duplicate input from Post Carousel widget admin
  • Fix: Featured Listings scroller widget script updated for compatibility
  • Update: CMB2 library
  • Update: TGMPA library

== 1.7.2 == Released: 01.24.2018

  • Fix: Changed alt text on carousel widget due to display issues
  • Fix: Changed how quick search hidden fields are added with equity_idx_quick_search_hidden_fields action

== 1.7.1 == Released: 01.23.2018

  • Fix: Update Equity IDX Carousel script to v2 to prevent conflicts

== 1.7.0== Released: 01.23.2018

  • New: Icon box shortcode now available as a widget.
  • New: Featured Page Carousel widget is now a Featured Post Carousel and allows display of posts from any of the same post type.
  • New: Added agent selection to Equity IDX Carousel and Showcase widget to filter properties by agent.
  • New: Added equity_header_right and equity_after_header_right action hooks
  • New: Added filters for equity_off_canvas_open_markup and equity_off_canvas_close_markup
  • New: Functions for flexible width widgets in themes
  • New: Filters for Equity IDX Carousel and Showcase widget HTML using equity_idx_carousel_property_html and equity_idx_showcase_property_html
  • New: Added filters for property widget and search URL suffixes for adding multisite support with IMPress for IDX 2.4+
  • Fix: PHP warnings for social_icons shortcode in PHP7+

== 1.6.6 == Released: 08.11.2017

  • Fix: Footer output filters being applied incorrectly causing no output
  • Fix: Change FontAwesome enqueue priority so WP handles versioning correctly
  • Update: FontAwesome version to 4.7.0 and URL source

== 1.6.5 == Released: 04.18.2017

  • Fix: Removed Equity Lead Signup widget and shortcode in favor of IMPress signup widget with reCaptcha for added security

== 1.6.4 == Released: 02.16.2017

  • Fix: validation errors
  • Fix: Equity site logo now uses core functions
  • Fix: Updated 401 error code admin alert with more information

== 1.6.3 == Released: 12.06.2016

  • Fix: Issue with WP 4.7+ where Equity layout choices would no longer display or function
  • Fix: markup error on wrapper post type template
  • New: Added support for selective refresh of widgets in WP 4.6+

== 1.6.2 == Released 10.06.2016

  • Fix: Bug with listing scroller widget not displaying on paginated page
  • Fix: Removed historical as option in IDX widgets as its no longer available via API
  • Fix: IDX domain check logic

== 1.6.1 == Released 09.13.2016

  • Fix: Removed unusued sample property data function

== 1.6.0 == Released: 08.12.2016

  • Added: IDX Property widgets will use fullDetailsURL if it exists
  • Added: WP API endpoint for support
  • Fix: Fatal error in WP 4.6+ due to change in WP_Post_type object
  • Fix: IDX components loading with plugin inactive
  • Fix: Remove data-equalizer markup from footer widgets
  • Fix: Include widget defaults on front end
  • Update: Font Awesome version to 4.6.3

== 1.5.10 == Released: 06.14.2016

  • Fix: Only output disclaimer markup if it exists
  • Fix: PHP error when using a saved link with no results in widget or shortcode

== 1.5.9 == Released: 06.02.2016

  • Fix: PHP error for disclaimers in widgets and shortcodes
  • Fix: Modify search not carrying over original city values
  • Added: Yelp to social icons shortcode

== 1.5.8 == Released: 05.05.2016

  • New: Added error handling for IDX lead signup widget and shortcode
  • Enhancement: Added required disclaimers and courtesies to IDX Carousel and Showcase widgets
  • Fix: Added admin notice if Equity API returns 401 unauthorized
  • Fix: Increase timeout for API calls

== 1.5.7 ==

  • Fix: Update property widgets to account for image return change

== 1.5.6 ==

  • Added: Ability to set a static page for the front page
  • Added: Ability to set a listing post as the front page
  • Fix: Equity Page Carousel was limited to admin setting for blog pages show number
  • Fix: Property widgets showed unrendered shortcodes on some Turn Key sites

== 1.5.5 ==

  • Fix: Issue with property showcase shortcode output
  • Fix: Add Theme Settings field for IDX URL for use in dev environments or when it doesn't match WP site_url()

== 1.5.4 ==

  • Fix: Issue with Equity/IDX key validation method

== 1.5.3 ==

  • New: Support for native WP site icon, instead of Equity functions
  • New: Add Equity Layout and Equity Scripts support to the idx-wrapper post type
  • Update: Footer settings page
  • Update: Equity property widgets changed to use single address field to prevent wierdness when parsing address parts
  • Update: Font Awesome version to 4.5.0
  • Update: IDX listing importer moved to IMPress Listings plugin

== 1.5.2 ==

  • Fix: Slow loading WP Admin
  • Update: Conditionally not load some IDX components if they already exist

== 1.5.1 ==

  • Fix: Add conditional to register IDX page post type in preparation for upcoming IDX Broker plugin update
  • Note: Do not use the "Equity IDX Pages" in your Menus as this will be removed completely in a future version due to its inclusion in the IDX Broker plugin 1.3
  • Fix: Update Shortcode UI parameters due to update in Shortcake plugin
  • Fix: Delete Single listing transient if it's empty

== 1.5 ==

  • New: Added ability to import IDX listings as custom post type in WP Listings plugin
  • New: Added listing_meta shortcode to display listing post type meta data on single listings
  • New: Added shortcodes for Equity IDX widgets (Showcase, Carousel, City Links, Lead Login, Lead Signup)
  • Fix: Removed demo MLS ID that caused errors for some users

== 1.4.1 ==

  • New: Added Clear IDX Dynamic Wrapper Cache button
  • New: Added CMB2 Library
  • Enhancement: Add the_content filter to wrapper post type
  • Fix: Author box now turns off as expected

== 1.4 ==

  • New: IDX Saved Links now available in Equity Carousel and Showcase property widgets
  • Update: Font Awesome icons updated to v4.4.0

== 1.3.7 ==

  • Fix: Remove fastclick.js due to bug with UI interaction on mobile OS's

== 1.3.6 ==

  • New: Filters for Equity IDX Quick Search widget field labels
  • New: Added support for WP Engine GeoIP on Equity IDX property widgets (for TurnKey Complete only)
  • Fix: Phone number field on Equity IDX Sign Up widget
  • Fix: Update widgets to use PHP5 style object constructors
  • Fix: Updated Advanced Search link on Equity IDX Quick Search widget
  • New: Included Equity child theme updated to magazine style layout

== 1.3.5 ==

  • Enhancement: Added fallback image for properties that have no image in Equity - IDX property widgets
  • Enhancement: Changed IDX data caching time as WP transients to 2 hours
  • Enhancement: Function added to use minified CSS (style.min.css) if that file exists in the child theme folder
  • Update: Change Equity custom CSS function priority to load after others without a priority
  • New: Added validation for Equity subscribers, added domain header to API requests

== 1.3.4 ==

  • Fix: Featured post widget title and meta not showing up on wrapper post type
  • New: Filters for IDX wrapper post types opening and closing markup
  • Updated: Foundation 5.5.1

== 1.3.3 ==

  • New: Added Equity - Featured Page Carousel widget
  • Update: Update Shortcode UI plugin to source as it is now a feature plugin, planned for inclusion in core.
  • Enhancement: Improve microformat support for post date and author
  • Fix: Left aligned post image with caption padding
  • Fix: Change IDX sitemap <link> rel attribute to sitemap

== 1.3.2 ==

  • Fix: Author box not output on archive pages if selected

== 1.3.1 ==

  • Fix: Error in icon box shortcode markup

== 1.3 ==

  • New: Support for Shortcode UI via Shortcake plugin for all content shortcodes (See:
  • New: Added Shortcake as a recommended plugin
  • New: Author box feature to optionally display author bio on posts
  • New: Redirect to custom feed URL in Theme Settings
  • New: Field added for IDX Broker listings sitemap XML
  • New: Shortcode added for [idx_sitemap] to output link to IDX sitemap
  • New: Phone number option added to IDX Lead Sign up widget
  • New: [agent_phone] and [agent_email] shortcodes modified to accept icon parameter (accepts Font Awesome icon CSS classes)
  • Enhancement: Removed app.js to reduce HTTP requests. app.js now merged with theme.js.
  • Fix: Bug that would reset settings saved in Customizer

== 1.2 ==

  • New: Add support for Foundation off canvas menu
  • New: Sample blog child theme included
  • New: Add support for new Jetpack site logo feature
  • Update: Upgrade to Font Awesome 4.2 icons
  • Update: Foundation updated to 5.4.7

== 1.1.4 ==

  • Fix: IDX Wrapper post type not showing custom content before IDX content

== 1.1.3 ==

  • Fix: Bug that would not show the theme screenshot or current version number on Updates page

== 1.1.2 ==

  • Fix: Issue with shortcodes being stripped when nested inside column shortcodes

== 1.1.1 ==

  • New: IDX Start/Stop tags automatically added to Wrapper post type
  • New: IDX Showcase widget now gives option to not display image
  • New: Testimonial shortcode
  • Fix: CSS clear fix for quick search widget button
  • Fix: Add CSS for IDX wrapper and IDX form elements

== 1.1 ==

  • New: IDX components and widgets added ** Quick Search – Horizontal or vertical orientation ** City Links ** Property Carousel ** Property Showcase ** Lead Login ** Lead Signup
  • New: Default CSS Styling for Equity IDX widgets
  • Fix: Removed license deactivation on theme change function
  • Update: Updated translation pot file

== 1.0.1 ==

  • Fix: Top header widget areas adding extra markup

== 1.0 ==

  • Initial release


Equity Framework for WordPress from IDX Broker






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