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== Changelog ==

== 1.5.9 ==

  • New: Font Awesome 5 transition completed

== 1.5.8 ==

  • Fix: Resolves issue with sample listing data import file

== 1.5.7 ==

  • New: Theme identifying class added to body

== 1.5.6 ==

  • New: Listing templates have been moved to the IMPress Listings plugin

== 1.5.5 ==

  • New: Font Awesome 5
  • Fix: Resolves screen jumping issue on initial scroll

== 1.5.4 ==

  • Fix: Menu position now displays relative to scroll position

== 1.5.3 ==

  • New: Add YouTube as option for video background

== 1.5.2 ==

  • Fix: Tidy up CSS for IDX mobile first templates

== 1.5.1 ==

  • Fix: Single listing templates updated with Google Maps key if applicable
  • Fix: XML files pointing to wrong URLs for media

== 1.5.0 ==

  • Initial release