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Elevator System

System managing multiple elevators in a building that use the same control panel.

Project setup:

  1. Install modules with npm i.
  2. Web GUI can be viewed from dev server launched with npm run start.
  3. Jest unit tests can be launched with npm run test.

Alternatively, website build is also deployed on GitHub Pages:

File structure:

  • Elevator algorithm - generic interface in src/services/ElevatorSystem.ts with implementation class in src/services/ElevatorManager.ts
  • React component with GUI - src/components/ElevatorDemoComponent/ElevatorDemoComponent.tsx - minimalistic web app for manually interacting with the algorithm.
  • Unit tests - src/services/ElevatorManager.test.ts and src/services/ElevatorSystem.test.ts - few generic tests for the interface and much more thorough tests for the implementation-specific behaviour.
  • GitHub Action workflow - .github/workflows/gh-pages_deploy.yml - automatically builds, runs tests, and deploys the app on GitHub Pages whenever commits are pushed to the master branch.

System Behaviour:

  • The system operates on two types of elevator jobs: pickup tasks and dropoff destinations.
  • The system holds a shared list of pickup tasks, where each task consists of a floor and a direction.
  • Each elevator holds its own list of dropoff destinations, which are just numbers of floors selected on its internal panel.
  • Each elevator can have a single assigned pickup task, which is removed from the shared pool and stored in the elevator itself. This prevents elevators from completing tasks assigned to other elevators, for example sending 3 elevators from floor 0 to floors 1,2,3, without having the one going to floor 3 also "steal" pickups from floors 1 and 2.
  • Each elevator can be in one of 3 states: idle, moving or stopped. idle means that the elevator has nothing to do, moving that it's currently moving between floors and stopped that it is stopped on a floor, but still has tasks to do.
  • In each algorithm step, each elevator can move one floor up or down. When an elevator arrives at a floor where it has a pickup or a dropoff, it will become stopped for a single step. After that step, it either becomes moving or idle, depending on whether it has more floors that it must visit or not.
  • The system assigns new pickups to idle elevator only. This ensures each elevator completes all dropoffs before being sent to pick up more people.
  • When simulating people entering the elevator and choosing floor, the selection must be made while the elevator is stopped at that floor. Otherwise, the system assumes, that no-one actually entered, or no selection was made in time, so the elevator becomes idle in the next step and might get assigned to another pickup.
  • The system assigns pickup tasks, based on "first-come first-serve" and elevator distance. When a new task appears, it gets assigned to the closest idle elevator, or it waits in the shared pool until an elevator becomes idle. Once a task is assigned, it will not get reassigned to another elevator. This avoids "starvation issue", where for example no elevator reaches floor 20 for a while, because they are all near the bottom and keep getting reassigned to closer tasks that keep appearing.
  • Despite assignment working on a simple FCFS, elevators will stop to complete other pickup tasks from the shared pool at any floor they pass, however certain conditions must be met:
    • The task can't be assigned to another elevator, as that removes it from the public task pool.
    • The task's declared direction must match the elevator's current move direction. Ex: elevator going from 1 to 5 won't pick up a task floor 3 - down, at least not until it finishes its jobs or comes back around on its way down.
    • If the elevator is going to a pickup task, the task it passes must also match the elevator's task's' direction. Ex: Elevator going from floor 0 to task floor 8 - down won't pick up task floor 5 - up, because there's no guarantee that floor 5 doesn't want to go higher than 8.
    • An exception to the above rule can be made with an optional constructor parameter, or by using a setFloorLimits method, which limits the range of floors (by default, elevators can be called or sent to any floor within JavaScript's number type limits). This allows an elevator to pick up a floor 5 - up task, while going to floor 8 - down when it knows that floor 8 is the top floor and there won't be a conflict between passenger from 5 and passenger on 8. It works in the same way for bottom floor pickups.
  • Each elevator prefers to travel in the direction matching the declared direction of pickup it completed. If an elevator receives both destinations 1 and when stopped completing pickup floor 3 - up, it will go to floor 10, despite floor 3 being closer, because that matches the direction declared by pickup task. This incentivizes people to wait for an elevator going in their declared direction, instead of entering the first one that arrives.
  • After an elevator has completed all dropoffs in its direction, its direction will be flipped if there are any in the opposite one and will keep it as new dropoffs are declared. This ensures the elevator switches its movement direction as rarely as possible, so it is more likely to pass through and be able to complete more pickup tasks, than if it was jiggling up and down between a couple floors.
  • If both up and down are selected for a single floor, the system is likely to complete that using two separate elevators (unless all except one are being really busy for a long time). This assumes people will know they aren't all supposed to enter the first elevator that arrives and wait for the elevator in their direction instead.
  • Alternatively, a method setSoleElevatorMode can be used to change this behaviour and allow each elevator to complete all pickups from all floors it passes. This might be a preferable solution in case the system controls a building with one sole elevator, where it might be weird to expect people to not enter the elevator and wait for it to come back around. This method is not present on the interface, as it's assumed it will be set between creating the class instance and passing it to the interface, as it's very unlikely this will need to be changed during system's work.
  • The system does not try to predict when an elevator will become idle. For example: there's pickup task floor 10 - down and system has two elevators: elevator1 idle at floor 0 and elevator2 at floor 13 moving to its one remaining destination at floor 11. The system could optimistically predict that elevator2 will be able to finish its dropoff at 11, and still get to the pickup at 10 faster than elevator1 going all the way from floor 0. But if someone from elevator2 presses another button, or someone new enters on floor 11, it's likely that the pickup will have to be completed by elevator1 anyway, but after a considerable delay in expectation of elevator2 being able to complete it.
  • Implementation specifics:
    • The generic interface is named ElevatorSystem, while its implementation class is named ElevatorManager. There's also a couple other simple helper interfaces and declared types, as well as an Elevator class responsible for a fair share of the algorithm.
    • Elevator class is responsible for individual elevator's position, direction, choosing next destination, handling state change and completing dropoffs and assigned pickup by just calling Elevator#moveFloor() for each elevator once every step. Assigning new pickups to idle elevators and clearing pickups from shared pool as elevators pass them is done in loops inside ElevatorManager#step().
    • Interface methods return clones of objects instead of direct references, to avoid accidentally interfering with the system by accidentally modifying objects passed by reference.


System managing multiple elevators in the same building.




