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React components for interactive 2D molecule representation rendering.


Visit for a demo of the package, you can browse the diffrent options like molecule representations with zoom, click handler, substructure alignement...

Deployments are automated via Vercel.


Initial setup

Wrap your components in an RDKit provider from @iktos-oss/rdkit-provider

import { RDKitProvider } from '@iktos-oss/rdkit-provider';
  <Component />

For better preformance we recommend enabling the caching of rdkitjs JsMol instances, this can be done using RDKitProvider

import { RDKitProvider } from '@iktos-oss/rdkit-provider';
<RDKitProvider  cache={{ enableJsMolCaching: true, maxJsMolsCached: 30 }}>
  <Component />

Rendering molecules

import { MoleculeRepresentation, MoleculeRepresentationProps } from '@iktos-oss/molecule-representation';
const props: MoleculeRepresentationProps = {
  smiles: 'Cc1cccc(-c2ccccc2)c1',
  addAtomIndices: true,
  bondsToHighlight: [
    [1, 0],
    [3, 4],
  atomsToHighlight: [
    [1, 0],
    [3, 4],
  height: 200,
  width: 300,
  onAtomClick: (atomId: string) => console.log("clicked atoms idx:", atomId),
  onBondClick: (bondIdentifier: ClickedBondIdentifiers) => {
    console.log("clicked bond idx:", bondIdentifier.bondId)
    console.log("clicked bond starting atom idx:", bondIdentifier.startAtomId)
    console.log("clicked bond ending atom idx:", bondIdentifier.endAtomId)
  zoomable: true
<MoleculeRepresentation {...props} onAtomClick={} />

Local dev

    git clone
    cd molecule-representation
    npm install
    npm run storybook