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ARCH-1919 - Transfer to Infra-Purple #6

ARCH-1919 - Transfer to Infra-Purple

ARCH-1919 - Transfer to Infra-Purple #6

# This is the workflow the repository uses to increment itself.
name: Increment Version & Kick off template sync
# GitHub's standard pull_request workflow trigger prevents write permissions and
# secrets access when the PR is from a public fork. PRs from branches and forks of
# internal/private repos are not limited the same way for the pull_request trigger.
# The pull_request_target trigger (which this workflow is using) relaxes some of those
# restrictions and allows PRs from public forks to have write permissions through the
# GH_TOKEN which we need in order to push new tags to the repo through this workflow.
# For this workflow, the elevated permissions should not be a problem because:
# • This workflow is only triggered when a PR is closed and the reusable workflow it
# calls only executes if it has been merged to the default branch. This means the PR
# has been reviewed and approved by a CODEOWNER and merged by someone with Write
# access before this workflow with its elevated permissions gets executed. Any code
# that doesn't meet our standards should be caught before it gets to this point.
# • The "Require approval for all outside collaborators" setting is set at the org-level.
# Before a workflow can execute for a PR generated by an outside collaborator, a user
# with Write access must manually approve the request to execute the workflow run.
# Prior to doing so they should have had a chance to review any changes in the PR
types: [closed]
uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable-increment-version-on-merge.yml
default-branch: main
# We only want to increment the version if these reusable workflows change
files-with-code: 'reusable-build-and-review-pr.yml,reusable-increment-version-on-merge.yml'
dirs-with-code: 'actions'