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Build and Review PR #26 #36

Build and Review PR #26

Build and Review PR #26 #36

name: Build and Review PR
run-name: 'Build and Review PR #${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}'
# This workflow uses the pull_request trigger which prevents write permissions on the
# GH_TOKEN and secrets access from public forks. This should remain as a pull_request
# trigger to minimize the access public forks have in the repository. The reduced
# permissions are adequate but do mean that re-compiles and readme changes will have to be
# made manually by the PR author. These auto-updates could be done by this workflow
# for branches but in order to re-trigger a PR build (which is needed for status checks),
# we would make the commits with a different user and their PAT. To minimize exposure
# and complication we will request those changes be manually made by the PR author.
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
# paths:
# Do not include specific paths here. We always want this build to run and produce a
# status check which are branch protection rules can use. If this is skipped because of
# path filtering, a status check will not be created and we won't be able to merge the PR
# without disabling that requirement. If we have a status check that is always produced,
# we can also use that to require all branches be up to date before they are merged.
# This reusable workflow will check to see if an action's source code has changed based on
# whether the PR includes files that match the files-with-code arg or are in one of the
# dirs-with-code directories. If there are source code changes, this reusable workflow
# will then run the action's build (if one was provided) and update the with the
# the latest version of the action. If those two steps result in any changes that need to
# be committed, the workflow will fail because the PR needs some updates. Instructions for
# updating the PR will be available in the build log, the workflow summary and as a PR
# comment if the PR came from a branch (not a fork).
# This workflow assumes:
# - The main is at the root of the repo
# - The README contains a contribution guidelines and usage examples section
uses: im-open/.github/.github/workflows/reusable-build-and-review-pr.yml@v1
action-name: ${{ github.repository }}
default-branch: main
readme-name: ''
# The id of the contribution guidelines section of the
readme-contribution-id: '#contributing'
# The id of the usage examples section of the
readme-examples-id: '#usage-examples'
# The files that contain source code for the action. Only files that affect the action's execution
# should be included like action.yml or package.json. Do not include files like or .gitignore.
# Files do not need to be explicitly provided here if they fall under one of the dirs in dirs-with-code.
# ** This value must match the same files-with-code argument specified in increment-version-on-merge.yml.
files-with-code: 'action.yml,package.json,package-lock.json'
# The directories that contain source code for the action. Only dirs with files that affect the action's
# execution should be included like src or dist. Do not include dirs like .github or node_modules.
# ** This value must match the same dirs-with-code argument specified in increment-version-on-merge.yml.
dirs-with-code: 'src,dist'
# The npm script to run to build the action. This is typically 'npm run build' if the
# action needs to be compiled. For composite-run-steps actions this is typically empty.
build-command: 'npm run build'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# NOTE: This relies on a release created for v2.0.0. If it is removed, the test
# that relies on it will fail, specifically the auto-generated release notes test.
COMMITISH: '525c2ff7b76faa30e5d71b715e8b1dc1e5a1af53' # v2.0.1
# Generated tags for each of the scenarios we'll be testing
- name: Fail test job if fork
run: |
if [ "${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork }}" == "true" ]; then
echo "This test job requires write scopes on GITHUB_TOKEN that PRs from forks will not have access to. Before this PR can be merged, the tests should be run on an intermediate branch created by repository owners."
exit 1
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: Setup - Checkout the action
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup - Dynamically generate tags for each of the scenarios to use with their release
run: |
tag=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
echo "TAG_RELEASE_NO_ASSET=releaseNoAssetTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_RELEASE_WITH_ASSET=releaseWithAssetTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_RELEASE_WITH_NAME=releaseWithNameTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_BODY_FROM_INPUT=bodyFromArgTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_BODY_FROM_FILE=bodyFromFileTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_DRAFT_RELEASE=draftReleaseTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_PRE_RELEASE=preReleaseTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# All three of these releases will use the same tag. The release notes tag
# will stand on its own and should succeed. The other two purposely duplicate it.
echo "TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES=autoGeneratedReleaseNotesTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_DUPLICATE_NO_ERROR=autoGeneratedReleaseNotesTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_DUPLICATE_WITH_ERROR=autoGeneratedReleaseNotesTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_ASSET_PATH_ERROR=assetPathErrorTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_ASSET_NAME_ERROR=assetNameErrorTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_ASSET_TYPE_ERROR=assetTypeErrorTag_$tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a production ready release
uses: ./
if: always()
id: prod-release
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_NO_ASSET }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH}}
#release-name: ''
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with props that match the inputs and defaults
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-action-outputs.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedPropsFromInputs = {
// These items should match the args exactly
tagName: '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_NO_ASSET }}',
commitish: '${{ env.COMMITISH }}',
// These items have default values, test here so we don't need specific tests for the defaults
releaseName: '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_NO_ASSET }}',
draft: false,
preRelease: false,
body: ''
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
const hasAssets = false;
const expectedPropsFromOutputs = JSON.parse(`${{ toJSON( }}`);
assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs(core, actualRelease, hasAssets, expectedPropsFromOutputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a production ready release with an asset
uses: ./
if: always()
id: prod-release-asset
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_WITH_ASSET }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH}}
asset-path: './test/files/test-asset.txt'
asset-name: 'prod-release-test-asset'
asset-content-type: 'application/text'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with the populated release url props
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-action-outputs.js');
const releaseId = '${{ }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const hasAssets = true;
const expectedPropsFromOutputs = JSON.parse(`${{ toJSON( }}`);
assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs(core, actualRelease, hasAssets, expectedPropsFromOutputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a production ready release with a name
uses: ./
if: always()
id: with-name
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_WITH_NAME }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
release-name: 'My test release'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.with-name.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with the specified name
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.with-name.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedPropsFromInputs = {
releaseName: 'My test release',
tagName: '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_WITH_NAME }}'
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a release with a body that comes from an input arg
uses: ./
if: always()
id: body-from-input
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_BODY_FROM_INPUT }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
body: 'This is the body of the commit that came from an input arg.'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.body-from-input.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with the specified body
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.body-from-input.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedPropsFromInputs = { body: 'This is the body of the commit that came from an input arg.' };
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a release with a body that comes from a file
uses: ./
if: always()
id: body-from-file
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_BODY_FROM_FILE }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
body-path: './test/files/test-body.txt'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.body-from-file.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with the specified body
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.body-from-file.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedBody = fs.readFileSync('./test/files/test-body.txt', 'utf8');
const expectedPropsFromInputs = { body: expectedBody };
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a draft release
uses: ./
if: always()
id: draft-release
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_DRAFT_RELEASE }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
draft: 'true'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.draft-release.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub as a draft release
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-action-outputs.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.draft-release.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedPropsFromInputs = { draft: true };
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
const hasAssets = false;
const expectedPropsFromOutputs = JSON.parse(`${{ toJSON(steps.draft-release.outputs) }}`);
assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs(core, actualRelease, hasAssets, expectedPropsFromOutputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a pre-release
uses: ./
if: always()
id: pre-release
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_PRE_RELEASE }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
prerelease: 'true'
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.pre-release.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub as a pre-release
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-action-outputs.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.pre-release.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
const expectedPropsFromInputs = { preRelease: true };
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
const hasAssets = false;
const expectedPropsFromOutputs = JSON.parse(`${{ toJSON(steps.pre-release.outputs) }}`);
assertReleasePropsMatchActionOutputs(core, actualRelease, hasAssets, expectedPropsFromOutputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a release with auto-generated release notes
uses: ./
if: always()
id: auto-generated-notes
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
generate-release-notes: true
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ }}"
- name: And the release should exist on GitHub with the release notes generated from the commits
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs = require('./test/assert-release-props-match-input-args.js');
const releaseId = '${{ }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
let expectedNotes = fs.readFileSync('./test/files/test-notes.txt', 'utf8');
expectedNotes = expectedNotes.replace('REPLACEME', '${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}')
const expectedPropsFromInputs = { body: expectedNotes};
assertReleasePropsMatchInputArgs(core, actualRelease, expectedPropsFromInputs);
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a release that duplicates another release without including the flag to first remove it
uses: ./
if: always()
id: duplicate-with-error
continue-on-error: true # This is needed because we expect the step to fail. We need it to "pass" in order for the test job to succeed.
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Use the same tag-name and commitish that the release we are duplicating used
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
delete-existing-release: false
- name: Then the outcome should be failure
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "failure" --actual "${{ steps.duplicate-with-error.outcome }}"
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a duplicate release with flag to remove existing release set
uses: ./
if: always()
id: duplicate-no-error
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# This flag should delete the existing release and let it be re-created
delete-existing-release: true
# Use the same tag-name and commitish that the release we are duplicating used
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
- name: Then the outcome should be success
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "success" --actual "${{ steps.duplicate-no-error.outcome }}"
- name: And the release should have been re-created with a new id
run: |
./test/ --name "Release Id" \
--value1 "${{ }}" \
--value2 "${{ steps.duplicate-no-error.outputs.release-id }}"
- name: And the new release should exist on GitHub
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseExists = require('./test/assert-release-exists.js');
const releaseId = '${{ steps.duplicate-no-error.outputs.release-id }}';
const actualRelease = await assertReleaseExists(github, core, releaseId);
- name: And the original release should no longer exist
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const assertReleaseDoesNotExists = require('./test/assert-release-does-not-exist.js');
const originalId = '${{ }}';
await assertReleaseDoesNotExists(github, core, originalId);
# ASSET ERROR - exclude asset-path BUT INCLUDE OTHERS
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a
uses: ./
if: always()
id: error-asset-path
continue-on-error: true # This is needed because we expect the step to fail. We need it to "pass" in order for the test job to succeed.
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_ASSET_PATH_ERROR }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
asset-path: '' # cause a failure by ommitting one of the required asset args
asset-name: 'prod-release-test-asset'
asset-content-type: 'application/text'
- name: Then the outcome should be failure
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "failure" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-path.outcome }}"
- name: And the action should return undefined values
run: |
./test/ --name "release ID" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-path.outputs.release-id }}"
./test/ --name "html url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-path.outputs.release-html-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset upload url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-path.outputs.asset-upload-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset download url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-path.outputs.asset-browser-download-url }}"
# ASSET ERROR - exclude asset-name - BUT INCLUDE OTHERS
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a
uses: ./
if: always()
id: error-asset-name
continue-on-error: true # This is needed because we expect the step to fail. We need it to "pass" in order for the test job to succeed.
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_ASSET_PATH_ERROR }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
asset-path: './test/files/test-asset.txt'
asset-name: '' # cause a failure by ommitting one of the required asset args
asset-content-type: 'application/text'
- name: Then the outcome should be failure
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "failure" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-name.outcome }}"
- name: And the action should return undefined values
run: |
./test/ --name "release ID" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-name.outputs.release-id }}"
./test/ --name "html url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-name.outputs.release-html-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset upload url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-name.outputs.asset-upload-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset download url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-name.outputs.asset-browser-download-url }}"
# ASSET ERROR - exclude asset-content-type - BUT INCLUDE OTHERS
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""
- name: When creating a
uses: ./
if: always()
id: error-asset-type
continue-on-error: true # This is needed because we expect the step to fail. We need it to "pass" in order for the test job to succeed.
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag-name: ${{ env.TAG_ASSET_PATH_ERROR }}
commitish: ${{ env.COMMITISH }}
asset-path: './test/files/test-asset.txt'
asset-name: 'prod-release-test-asset'
asset-content-type: '' # cause a failure by ommitting one of the required asset args
- name: Then the outcome should be failure
if: always()
run: ./test/ --name "step outcome" --expected "failure" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-type.outcome }}"
- name: And the action should return undefined values
run: |
./test/ --name "release ID" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-type.outputs.release-id }}"
./test/ --name "html url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-type.outputs.release-html-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset upload url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-type.outputs.asset-upload-url }}"
./test/ --name "asset download url" --expected "" --actual "${{ steps.error-asset-type.outputs.asset-browser-download-url }}"
- name: Teardown - Cleanup all the releases by deleting them
if: always()
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
// Not all of these will end up with a tag and a release, but run them all just in case any of the tests
// fail unexpectedly. We don't want a bunch of test releases and tags cluttering up the real thing.
const deleteReleaseFromGitHub = require('./test/teardown/delete-release-from-github.js');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.with-name.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.body-from-input.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.body-from-file.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.draft-release.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.pre-release.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.duplicate-with-error.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.duplicate-no-error.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.error-asset-path.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.error-asset-name.outputs.release-id }}');
await deleteReleaseFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ steps.error-asset-type.outputs.release-id }}');
const deleteTagFromGitHub = require('./test/teardown/delete-tag-from-github.js');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_NO_ASSET }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_WITH_ASSET }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_RELEASE_WITH_NAME }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_BODY_FROM_INPUT }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_BODY_FROM_FILE }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_DRAFT_RELEASE }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_PRE_RELEASE }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_AUTO_GENERATED_NOTES }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_ASSET_PATH_ERROR }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_ASSET_NAME_ERROR }}');
await deleteTagFromGitHub(github, core, '${{ env.TAG_ASSET_TYPE_ERROR }}');
- name: '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
run: echo ""