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DEPRECATED - This action is used to validate a YAML file with a custom [schema](#schema-file).


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YAML File Validation

This action is used to validate a YAML file with a custom schema.



Parameter Is Required Description
yaml-file-path true The path of the yaml file to validate.
schema-file-path false The schema file used to validate yaml file. If omitted or set to "SAM", the IM-OPEN SAM schema format will be used.
log-level false The severity level of information to include the action's logging. Accepted values are information, warning, and failure.
output-json false Specify whether or not to output a json document with the results. Accepts true or false. It will only produce an output if no failures occur.
Output will always return a json document with a documents array attribute. (See Output Example)

Output JSON Example

  documents: [<document1>, <document2>, <document3>, ...]


Parameter Description
validation-outcome The results of the file validation. Will be success, warning, or failed.
json-output A json conversion of the yaml file.

Usage Examples

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Test SAM YAML
        id: sam-test
        uses: im-open/[email protected]
          yaml-file-path: ./sam.yaml
          # schema-file-path: 'SAM' <-- If left undefined or set to 'SAM' the IM-OPEN SAM schema format will be used
        continue-on-error: true
        log-level: 'failure'

      - name: Output sam
        run: |
          echo "SAM Results: ${{ steps.sam-test.outputs.validation-outcome }}"

Schema File

This action was designed to validate a yaml file particular to IM-OPEN's needs. The SAM.json schema file will be used when SAM or no schema-file is specified. This is a sample SAM.YAML file that uses the SAM.json file for validation. This is a minimal sample SAM.YAML file that would bee needed to pass the 'SAM' validation.

The syntax for creating a custom schema file is essentially a json formatted file which minimally describes a field if it's REQUIRED and child elements, if any. Possible required values are required, warning, and info. Elements that are lists can be built using the LISTOF field.

This is an example schema definition file:

    "first": "required",
    "last": "required",
    "middle": "info",
    "ag": "warning",
    "akas": {
        "REQUIRED": "info",
        "LISTOF": {
            "name": "info"

This corresponding YAML file would validate successfully based on the definition file:

first: 'John'
middle: 'Jacob'
last: 'Jingle-Heimer-Schmidt'
  - name: 'John'
  - name: 'Jake'
  - name: 'My name, too!'
  - name: 'Da-da-da-da-da-da-da'

For lists elements without name keys this specification could be made:

  "groceries": {
    "REQUIRED": "required",
    "LISTOF": { }

This YAML element would then become valid:

    - eggs
    - milk
    - bacon

It is important to note that the validator will not be able to validate the list format or item count in an unstructured list. It will however ensure that the groceries node exists, but it can have zero or more items in the list.


When creating new PRs please ensure:

  1. For major or minor changes, at least one of the commit messages contains the appropriate +semver: keywords listed under Incrementing the Version.
  2. The action code does not contain sensitive information.

When a pull request is created and there are changes to code-specific files and folders, the build workflow will run and it will recompile the action and push a commit to the branch if the PR author has not done so. The usage examples in the will also be updated with the next version if they have not been updated manually. The following files and folders contain action code and will trigger the automatic updates:

  • action.yml
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • src/**
  • dist/**

There may be some instances where the bot does not have permission to push changes back to the branch though so these steps should be done manually for those branches. See Recompiling Manually and Incrementing the Version for more details.

Recompiling Manually

If changes are made to the action's code in this repository, or its dependencies, the action can be re-compiled by running the following command:

# Installs dependencies and bundles the code
npm run build

# Bundle the code (if dependencies are already installed)
npm run bundle

These commands utilize esbuild to bundle the action and its dependencies into a single file located in the dist folder.

Incrementing the Version

Both the build and PR merge workflows will use the strategies below to determine what the next version will be. If the build workflow was not able to automatically update the action examples with the next version, the should be updated manually as part of the PR using that calculated version.

This action uses git-version-lite to examine commit messages to determine whether to perform a major, minor or patch increment on merge. The following table provides the fragment that should be included in a commit message to active different increment strategies.

Increment Type Commit Message Fragment
major +semver:breaking
major +semver:major
minor +semver:feature
minor +semver:minor
patch default increment type, no comment needed

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the im-open's Code of Conduct.


Copyright © 2021, Extend Health, LLC. Code released under the MIT license.


DEPRECATED - This action is used to validate a YAML file with a custom [schema](#schema-file).




Code of conduct





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