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Rajesh Khadka edited this page Apr 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Basics of Kotlin Programming

  • Basic Types
  • Packages and Imports
  • Control Flow
  • Returns and Jumps

Classes and Objects

  • Classes and Inheritance
  • Properties and Fields
  • Interfaces
  • Visibility Modifiers
  • Extensions
  • Data Classes
  • Sealed Classes
  • Generics
  • Nested Classes
  • Enum Classes
  • Object
  • Type Aliases
  • Delegation
  • Delegated Properties

Functions and Lambdas

  • Functions
  • Lambdas
  • Inline Functions

Kotlin Coroutines

  • Basics
  • Cancellation and Timeouts
  • Coroutine Context and Dispatchers
  • Exception Handling

Domain Specific Language