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Deploying Industrial Edge Management on K3s Cluster

To deploy the Industrial Edge Management on a K3s cluster, you must perform the following tasks:

Afterwards, you can:

Create an IEM Instance in the Industrial Edge Hub

  1. Log into the Industrial Edge Hub.
  2. Navigate to IEM Instances and click Create New IEM Instance.
  3. Enter the name and, optionally, the description of the IEM instance.
  4. Click Save. The IEM instance has been created.
  5. Click the download icon to download the configuration file for the newly created IEM instance.

Create IEM instance in IE Hub

Download and Install the IE Provisioning CLI

  1. Log into the Industrial Edge Hub.
  2. Navigate to Download Software.
  3. In the Industrial Edge Provisioning CLI - Ubuntu tile, click Download
  4. Make sure the file is executable:
chmod +x ieprovision
  1. To execute the IE Provisioning CLI, install the binary:
sudo install ieprovision /usr/local/bin/

Install the IEM on the K3s cluster

Configure kubeconfig files

The ieprovision command-line tool uses kubeconfig files to find the information it needs to choose a cluster and communicate with the API server of a cluster.
Create .kube directory in the home directory and copy the kubeconfig file to this directory ~/.kube:

mkdir ~/.kube
sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config

Change Access rights to the kubeconfig file to use the ieprovision cli without sudo privileges:

sudo chown $USER ~/.kube/config

Change Access rights to the kubeconfig file to use kubectl without sudo privileges:

sudo chown $USER /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Install the IEM

Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that the general requirements of IEM 2.0 are satisfied. The following guide describes the minimal installation steps for a fully functional IEM deployment. For detailed information on the installation process and available options, refer to the official IEM documentation.

Create a certificate chain for TLS communication

To set up the IEM, SSL-certificates are required. You can refer to this documentation as an example of how to create certificates for your IEM instance.

Prepare the ieprovision template file

Use the template command to create a quickstart configuration file:

ieprovision template > template.yaml

The template file looks similar to the following example:

            # email of the initial keycloak user
            email: [email protected]
            # first name of the initial keycloak user
            firstName: iem
            # last name of the initial keycloak user
            lastName: user
            # username of the initial keycloak user
            username: iem_user
    # Application Secret Key
    applicationSecretKey: c4fa6d29-b581-49d7-a929-baa6881e63e3
    # Password for Customer Realm Admin
    customerAdminPassword: SOf33u2q$#So
    # Password for database user
    databaseUserPassword: ""
    # Hostname for accessing the IEM
    hostname: ""
    # Password for IAM administrator
    iamAdminPassword: Vy97#P@mq3%K
    # Password for IAM Auth Proxy
    iamAuthProxyClientSecret: ""
    # Client Secret for IAM SDK
    iamSdkClientSecret: ""
    # Password for IEM administrator
    iemAdminPassword: K*iU#3*4Eo4A

The template file contains default values that must be changed by the operator.

The FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the IEM must be used for the hostname in the template, e.g.,

Extend the template with a storage class definition:

    # Storage class that will be used for creating Persistent Volume Claims for IEM Core Services like Docker Registry Service
    storageClass: local-path
    # Storage class that will be used for creating Persistent Volume Claims for Postgres database
    storageClassPg: local-path

K3s comes with Rancher's Local Path (storageClassName: local-path) Provisioner.

The installation of the IEM is executed by using the configuration file of the IEM instance and the completed template file:

ieprovision install <configuration-file.json> --values template.yaml --set global.certChain="$(cat ./certificateChain.crt | base64 -w 0)" --set global.gateway.ingress.enabled=false
Parameter Description Value
global.certChain Add the Root and Intermediate CA Certificates of the Entrypoint (Ingress, Loadbalancer) to the IEM System. These certificates will be stored in the certificate store of the devices to establish a secure connection to the IEM. "$(cat ./certificateChain.crt
global.gateway.ingress.enabled Creation of an ingress rule, which will point to the IE Gateway. By default, the ieprovision tool creates rules based on nginx, which is not the ingress controller shipped with K3s cluster. Traefik is the default deployed ingress controller in K3s. When using Traefik, set the parameter global.gateway.ingress.enabled to false. false

After the installation is complete, the console output should look as follows:

CHART NAME: application-management-service
APP VERSION: v1.1.85

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **






Helm chart deployed

Please make sure to save this output in a secure location as it contains the initial login credentials for the IEM.

Deploy Ingress of the IEM on the K3s Cluster

The Industrial Edge offers an enhanced API gateway built on Kong OSS, serving as the primary access point to the system. It handles authentication, verifies session cookies, and generates JSON web tokens for internal API requests. In a Kubernetes (K8s) environment, there are various deployment options available for the API gateway. By default, it is deployed as a ClusterIP service type. For initial configuration of the Traefik ingress rule, it is essential to obtain the service name of the Industrial Edge Gateway.

IEM Gateway and Ingress Controller Architecture IEM Gateway and Ingress Controller Architecture

Get the service name of Industrial Edge Gateway:

kubectl get service -n iem | grep gateway-proxy


ie801b-gateway-proxy            ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP              4d1h
Create Secret for Ingress Rule

Option 1: Create a secret.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: iemcert
  namespace: iem
  # base64 encoded cert & key
  tls.crt: <certificate>
  tls.key: <privatekey>

Insert a certificate and private key that are base64-encoded.
To encode a certificate (not a certificate chain) and private key to base64, use the following command and copy the output to secret.yaml:

cat <certificate.crt> | base64 -w 0
cat <privatekey.key> | base6e -w 0

Deploy the secret:

kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

Option 2: Deploy secret:

kubectl -n iem create secret tls iemcert --cert=<certificate.crt> --key=<privatekey.key>
Create Ingress Rule

Create the ingress.yaml file:

kind: Ingress
  name: iem-ingress
  namespace: iem
  annotations: traefik "true"
  - hosts:
    # Hostname for accessing the IEM e.g.
    - <Hostname> 
    secretName: iemcert
  # Hostname for accessing the IEM e.g.
  - host: <Hostname>
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            # Servicename of Industrial Edge Gateway
            name: <ie801b-gateway-proxy>
              name: kong-proxy

Insert values for hosts and host according to the value set for hostname in the template file and the service name of Industrial Edge Gateway in ingress.yaml.

Finally, deploy the Ingress rule:

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Access the IEM

You have successfully configured a DNS-based Industrial Edge Management (IEM) system. To access the IEM, the connecting machine must be able to resolve the IEM domain name to its corresponding IP.

There are two methods to achieve this. The first approach involves adding direct static addressing to each connecting device through the hosts file. Alternatively, you can use a DNS Server.

In typical scenario,a private DNS Server with your custom zone and addresses would be employed for all machines that needs to access the IEM (Edge Devices, Host & Operator machines). For the sake of simplicity in this application example, we will edit the /etc/hosts file with static address resolution for the IEM system.

To proceed, add the following line to the /etc/hosts file in a format of <>␣<hostname>, for instance:

Please ensure that you adjust the IP and domain according to your specific setup.

Next, open your preferred web browser and access the chosen hostname address using the HTTPS protocol, for example:

You will be prompted to log in to your IEM instance. Please utilize the credentials you set during the installation process, as specified in template.yaml, and the saved output of the installation.

IEM Log-In Page