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[Open Source] How To Contribute

Alexander Chiu edited this page Apr 9, 2023 · 2 revisions


InvolveMint is an open source project. Therefore, here is a quick guide for contributing as well as some conventions you should adhere to.


The codebase currently does not have a linter (feel free to add one). However, basic coding conventions should be followed such as lower camel case for variables, upper camel case for classes, etc. The majority of the code is written in typescript as such, use this Unofficial Typescript Style Guide as a general framework. Additionally, this angular guide should be followed as well.

Pull Request Process

After you have acclimated to the code base and want to make a contribution, you should follow this quick checklist:

  • Browse the Github issue to find a fix or new feature you want to make
  • Create a new branch off of the newest main branch
  • Make your changes and thoroughly test
  • Make a Pull Request from your new feature branch to the main branch
  • Make sure you tag the issue you are solving in the description with "Resolves #[Github Issue number]"
  • Then attach a quick screenshot or video showcasing your new change
  • Attach Rob Gorham as a reviewer

That's it! Wait patiently as Rob will need a few days to review your work. Rob will then follow up with further action (either approving or with some quick changes).

Good luck and thank you for contributing to our codebase!