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Rust inspired Option and Result implementation for Go


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Rust inspired implementation of Option[T] and Result[T] for Go.

Get started

go get


Interoperability with (T, error) receivers

Parsing numbers

// vanilla
v, err := strconv.Atoi("1")
if err != nil {
    v = 1000

// shine
v := shine.NewResult(strconv.Atoi("1")).UnwrapOr(1000)

Parsing URLs

func ExampleVanilla() string {
    u, err := url.Parse("")
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    return u.Hostname()

func ExampleShine() string {
    return shine.ResMap(shine.NewResult(url.Parse("")), (*url.URL).Hostname).UnwrapOrDefault()

Closeable Support

r := shine.NewResult(os.Open("file.txt"))
// will call Close() on the contained value if it implements io.Closer
defer r.Close()

Type switch

r := shine.NewResult(os.Open("file.txt"))
defer r.Close()

switch r := r.(type) {
case Ok[*os.File]:
	f := r.Value()
	// do something with file
case Err[*os.File]:
	// handle error
	var pe *os.PathError
	if errors.As(r, &pe) { 
		// handle path error 