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This project adds a new backend to gloss that can be used to embed
gloss images/animations/simulations in GTK+ applications. It uses
the gtkglext package available in Hackage.

Current status is: not finished, still under development.  Do not use
(I'm not joking here) in production just yet.

How this works: in the arguments to 'display', use the InWidget
constructor, and pass a Gtk container as first argument. The canvas
will be added to the container using Graphics.UI.Gtk.containerAdd.


| Feature              | Status                 |
| Animations           | Working                |
| Simulations          | Working                |
| Games                | Working                |
| Mouse interaction    | Working                |
| Fonts                | Working                |
| Keyboard interaction | Not tested, might work |
| Background colours   | Not working            |

The contents of the original README file follows.

-- 8 Coats of GLOSS -----------------------------------------------------------

Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice
data type and a few display functions. 

    Getting something on the screen is as easy as:

      import Graphics.Gloss
      main = display (InWindow "Nice Window" (200, 200) (10, 10)) white (Circle 80)

    Once the window is open you can use the following:
      * Quit            - esc-key.
      * Move Viewport   - left-click drag, arrow keys.
      * Rotate Viewport - right-click drag, control-left-click drag, 
                          or home/end-keys.
      * Zoom Viewport   - mouse wheel, or page up/down-keys.

    Animations and simulations can be constructed similarly using the
    'animate' and 'simulate' functions. Games with user input can be
    constructed with the 'play' function.

    See the gloss-examples package for more.

Release Notes:

 For 1.7.0:
   * Tweaked circle level-of-detail reduction code.
   * Increased frame rate cap to 100hz.
   Thanks to Doug Burke
   * Primitives for drawing arcs and sectors.
   Thanks to Thomas DuBuisson
   * IO versions of animate, simplate and play.

 For 1.6.0:
   Thanks to Anthony Cowley
   * Full screen mode display mode.

 For 1.5.0:
   * O(1) Conversion of ForeignPtrs to bitmaps.
   * An extra flag on the Bitmap constructor allows bitmaps to be cached
     in texture memory between frames.

 For 1.4.0:
   * Added texture caching.
   Thanks to Christiaan Baaij: 
   * Refactoring of Gloss internals to support multiple window manager backends.
   * Support for using GLFW as the window library instead of GLUT.
       GLUT is still the default, but to use GLFW install gloss with:
          cabal install gloss --flags=\"GLFW -GLUT\"
 For 1.3.0:
   * Various wibbles for GHC 7.1   
   Thanks to Ben Lambert-Smith:
   * New support for displaying bitmap files.

 For 1.2.0:
   * Cleaned up module hierarchy.
   * Added line-line intersection utils.
   * Enabled -Wall and fixed all warnings.
   * Various wibbles for GHC 7.0
   Thanks to Thomas DuBuisson:
   * Fixed a bug causing motion events to give the wrong position.
   Thanks to Stephan Maka:
   * Fixed a space leak in simulate mode when the window was hidden.

 For 1.1.0:
   * Added game mode.
   * Added QuadTree and Extent structures.
   * Added simple ray casting.


Embed gloss in Gtk+ programs using gtkglext







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