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Required components

The following components must be installed so Pubwich can work:

  • Apache
  • PHP 5 (with SimpleXML & cURL extensions)
  • crontab (installed on all UNIX systems)


  1. Duplicate cfg/config.sample.php to cfg/config.php

    (optional: if you want to use a custom theme, duplicate themes/default to themes/your_theme_name and edit the PUBWICH_THEME constant in cfg/config.php to "your_theme_name".

  2. Edit the newly created config.php to fill the blank spaces with your informations (API keys, usernames, site’s URL, etc.) and to modify the arguments passed to Pubwich::setServices().

  3. Modify your crontab file (by running crontab -e) and add the following line:

    */<N> * * * * <PHP> -f <ABSOLUTE_PATH>/cron/cron.php

    Then replace the following elements:

    • <N> Cache expiration (in minutes)
    • <PHP> The path to PHP executable binary (usually /usr/bin/php or /usr/local/bin/php, use which php to find it)
    • <ABSOLUTE_PATH> Absolute path to Pubwich directory


    */10 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /home/myusername/public_html/pubwich/trunk/cron/cron.php

  4. Change the permissions on the cache directory to make it writeable for all ($ chmod -R 0777 cache).

  5. Everything should be working now (when browsing to the index.php file!).


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