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Telecon Schedule

Tom Clune edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 6 revisions



  • At least one of Tom, Brad
  • Earmarks: specific individuals per item, e.g.,
    • succinct instantiation should include Hideto
    • long argument lists should include Aleks
  • At least 4? participants
  • "Minutes" (progress/decisions) sent out as email
  • Decisions ratified at subsequent meeting

Unless otherwise stated, all meetings are at 13:00 ET. Special times will be arranged to include Japanese colleagues on selected topics.)

Lead up to meeting 232 (Berkeley)

Week Agenda
Nov 20 Edits to existing syntax
Nov 27 Support for deep nesting and long templates
Dec 04 Simple instantiations
Dec 11 Update existing requirements and specs papers
Dec 18 Looped instantiations
Dec 25 no meeting (holiday)
Jan 01 no meeting (holiday)
Jan 08 Long argument lists
Jan 15 no meeting (holiday)
Jan 22 Automatic generic names
Jan 29 Edits
Feb 05 Edits
Feb 12 Edits
Feb 19 Edits

Lead up to meeting 231 (virtual)

Week Agenda
2023-07-03 UTI: Bounds & Keywords
2023-07-10 No meeting
2023-07-17 UTI: kind and rank constants
2023-07-18 23:00 GMT Special meeting time: Simplified templates and succinct overloads
2023-07-24 UTI: kind and rank constants
2023-07-31 UTI: Bounds & Keywords & Multi-line deferred type syntax
2023-08-07 Deferred polymorphic types
2023-08-14 No meeting
2023-08-21 Logical requirements (maybe intrinsics)
2023-08-28 No meeting
2023-09-04 No meeting (Labor Day)
2023-09-11 Export generic interfaces
2023-09-18 Long argument lists
2023-09-25 TBD
2023-10-02 Long/nested templates (submodule analog?)
2023-10-09 Polish paper
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