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Jacob Henn edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 4 revisions

on this page, numbers prefixed with "dec#" are in decimal (base ten).

how to

  • inputting in a different radix
    • in input mode, press # to enter radix mode
    • in radix mode, type the radix before the #
    • to return to input mode, press space, enter, or #
    • continue typing into the input to enter a number in that radix
  • changing the default radix
    • use the command :set radix <value>.

converting between radices

  • enter a radix with # and press enter or space with no input to convert the selected or topmost expression to the entered radix

abstract info

  • guac supports seamless input, computation, and display in any radix from binary to octoctal (dec#64).
  • all radices display using the relevant prefix of 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@.
    • the last two digits are ! (bang) and @ (at), because they go on top of 1 and 2 on the keyboard.
      • i would have chosen +/ or -_ for consistency with IEEE, but both of those contain a math symbol and it would just be a massive pain.
    • note that arabic numerals and lowercase letters come before uppercase letters.
      • lowercase comes first becuase it makes it way easier to type in radices below unniftimal (dec#37).
  • radices themselves are input and displayed using the separator # preceeded by one of two things:
    • a case-insensitive Misalian three-letter abbrevitaion (listed below), or
    • how the radix itself is written in octoctal.
    • examples
      • bin#1011 = 2#1011 = dec#11 = a#11
      • sex#15 = 6#15 = dec#11 = a#11
      • hex#b = g#b = dec#11 = a#11

radix names

the following is a list of Misalian radix names, abbreviations, and octoctal digits from dec#2 to dec#64

dec#02 binary               bin 2
dec#03 trinary              tri 3
dec#04 quaternary           qua 4
dec#05 quinary              qui 5
dec#06 seximal              sex 6
dec#07 septimal             sep 7
dec#08 octal                oct 8
dec#09 nonary               non 9
dec#10 decimal              dec a
dec#11 elevenary            ele b
dec#12 dozenal              doz c
dec#13 baker's dozenal      bak d
dec#14 biseptimal           bis e
dec#15 triquinary           trq f
dec#16 hex                  hex g
dec#17 suboptimal           sub h
dec#18 triseximal           trs i
dec#19 untriseximal         unt j
dec#20 vigesimal            vig k
dec#21 triseptimal          tis l
dec#22 bielevenary          bie m
dec#23 unbielevenary        unb n
dec#24 tetraseximal         tet o
dec#25 pentaquinary         pen p
dec#26 biker's dozenal      bik q
dec#27 trinonary            trn r
dec#28 tetraseptimal        ter s
dec#29 untetraseptimal      utt t
dec#30 pentaseximal         pet u
dec#31 unpentaseximal       unp v
dec#32 tetroctal            ttr w
dec#33 trielevenary         trl x
dec#34 bisuboptimal         bib y
dec#35 pentaseptimal        pnt z
dec#36 niftimal             nif A
dec#37 unniftimal           unn B
dec#38 bintriseximal        bit C
dec#39 triker's dozenal     trk D
dec#40 pentoctal            pec E
dec#41 unpentoctal          upn F
dec#42 hexaseptimal         hes G
dec#43 unhexaseptimal       unh H
dec#44 tetrelevenary        tel I
dec#45 pentanonary          pnn J
dec#46 binbielevenary       bnb K
dec#47 unbinbielevenary     ubn L
dec#48 hexoctal             hec M
dec#49 heptaseptimal        hep N
dec#50 pentagesimal         peg O
dec#51 trisuboptimal        trb P
dec#52 tetraker's dozenal   tek Q
dec#53 untetraker's dozenal unr R
dec#54 hexanonary           hen S
dec#55 pentelevenary        pel T
dec#56 heptoctal            het U
dec#57 trintriseximal       tin V
dec#58 bintetraseptimal     bnt W
dec#59 unbintetraseptimal   ubt X
dec#60 hexagesimal          heg Y
dec#61 unhexagesimal        unx Z
dec#62 binpentaseximal      bip !
dec#63 heptanonary          hpt @
dec#64 octoctal             occ
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