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JLed changelog (

[2023-09-10] 4.13.1

  • fix: Update() sometimes returning wrong state (#122)

[2023-08-20] 4.13.0

  • new: Stop() takes optional parameter allowing to turn LED fully off

[2023-06-29] 4.12.2

  • fix: JLedSequence starting again after call to Stop (#115)

[2023-01-11] 4.12.1

  • fix: add missing keywords to keywords.txt

[2022-11-13] 4.12.0

  • new: add MinBrightness method and scale output to interval defined by MinBrightness and MaxBrightness.

[2022-11-13] 4.11.1

  • improve: reduce memory consumption of JLed objects by 3 bytes, simplify state management.

[2022-03-29] 4.11.0

[2022-03-24] 4.10.0

  • new: On, Off and Set now take an optional duration value, making these effects behave like any other in this regard. This allows to add an On effect to a JLedSequence for a specific amount of time.

[2022-02-24] 4.9.1

  • fix: make sure JLedSequence methods like Repeat and Forever are chainable like in the JLed class

[2022-02-13] 4.9.0

[2021-10-18] 4.8.0

  • new: make Breathe method more flexible (#78, thanks to @boraozgen)

[2021-10-13] 4.7.1

  • fix: correct handling of time rollover (#80, thanks to @boraozgen)

[2021-02-02] 4.7.0

  • new: support for Raspberry Pi Pico added

[2021-02-02] 4.6.1

  • fix: Forever() on sequence had no effect (#68)

[2021-01-24] 4.6.0

  • new: JLedSequence can be configured to play the sequence multiple times using the Repeat() and Forever() methods
  • drop travis-ci, use github actions

[2020-10-24] 4.5.2

  • fix: ESP32 led glimming when using low-active connection (#60)

[2020-07-01] 4.5.1

  • fix: support for Nano 33 BLE (#53)

[2020-02-23] 4.5.0

  • new: JLed::MaxBrightness(uint8_t level) method to limit output of effects (implements #43).

[2020-02-21] 4.4.0

  • JLed now supports the mbed framework. See and examples/multiled_mbed for examples.

[2019-09-21] 4.3.0

  • new example: custom HAL showing how to implment a custom HAL.

[2019-08-30] 4.2.1

  • fix: make sure memory alignment is correct (caused hard fault on SAMD21). Fixes #27.

[2019-06-20] 4.2.0

  • changing an effect resets the Jled object so it starts over with the new effect (see #25). Prior to this change, calling Reset() was necessary.

[2019-05-11] 4.1.2

  • fix: ESP32 dynamic channel assignment fixed. Sequence demo now working as expected (see #22).

[2019-05-07] 4.1.1

  • fix: version format in (removed leading v; see #21)

[2019-03-10] v4.1.0

  • change: clean up interface and simplify code: On() no longer takes an optional brightness argument. Call Set(uint8_t brightness) instead.
  • documentation update

[2019-03-10] v4.0.0

In addition to the changes introduced with v4.0.0-rc0 and v4.0.0-rc1, the v4.0.0 relases adds/changes the following:


  • new Candle() effect added for candles and fire like effects


  • The user provided brightness class no longer needs a Clone() method. See example for an example


  • Makefile (unit testing) dependency checking fixed

[2019-02-17] v4.0.0-rc1


  • fix: byte buffer alignment for ESP8266 set to DWORD boundary making ESP8266 run again with JLed 4.x
  • arduino HAL now does lazy call to pinMode() to prevent STM32 problems
  • simplified morse example code

[2019-01-23] v4.0.0-rc0


  • JLed::Reset() - resets the led to it's initial state allowing to to start over
  • JLed::IsRunning() - return true if effect is active, else false
  • new class JLedSequence to update JLed objects simultanously or sequentially. See README for details.
  • added new morse example
  • clean separation between hardware specific and common code, making extendability easy
  • added STM32 example to platformio.ini


  • the brightness user function pointer was replaced by an object of type BrightnessEvaluator. Migration of code should be straight forward, see below

old brightness function

In JLed version prio to version 4.0.0, a function pointer was used to specify a user provided brightness function.

// this function returns changes between 0 and 255 and vice versa every 250 ms.
uint8_t blinkFunc(uint32_t t, uint16_t, uintptr_t) {
  return 255*((t/250)%2);

// Run blinkUserFunc for 5000ms
JLed led = JLed(LED_BUILTIN).UserFunc(blinkFunc, 5000);

new BrightnessEvaluator class

The user function is replaced by a class, which provides more flexibility:

class UserEffect : public jled::BrightnessEvaluator {
    uint8_t Eval(uint32_t t) const {
        // this function returns changes between 0 and 255 and
        // vice versa every 250 ms.
        return 255*((t/250)%2);
    uint16_t Period() const { return 5000; }

UserEffect userEffect;
JLed led = JLed(LED_BUILTIN).UserFunc(&userEffect);


  • JLed::Invert() method was removed since became redundant with LowActive()

[2018-10-03] v3.0.0

  • Major refactoring making support of different platforms easier
  • ESP32 support added
  • Unit tests refactored

[2018-09-22] v2.4.0

  • JLed::Update() now returns a bool indicating if the effect is still active (true), or finished (false).

[2018-09-22] v2.3.0

  • ESP8266 platform: scaling from 8 to 10 bit improved. The scaling makes sure that 0 is mapped to 0 and 255 is mapped to 1023, preserving min/max relationships in both ranges.

[2018-06-09] v2.2.3


  • ESP8266 platform: analogWrite() resoultion of 10 bit is now honoured. Previously only a range of 0..255 was used, which resulted in output being dimmed.


  • It's never to late for a changelog ;)
  • ESP8266 environment added to platform.ini