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Jeffrey Kemp edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 28 revisions

If you are using an older version of the plugin it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version. Review the notes below for the version you are upgrading to.

UPGRADE FROM Release 1.0 or later

  1. Take a backup of your application by exporting it.

  2. Install the plugin region_type_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_r1.sql. It will replace the existing plugin in your application.

  3. (OPTIONAL) To add dynamic action features, import the companion Dynamic Action plugins:

    dynamic_action_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_da_r1.sql dynamic_action_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_directions_da.sql

  4. Test all features and behaviour related to the map region.

UPGRADE FROM any Beta version 0.x

Version 1.0 represented a major rework of the beta versions of the plugin. This includes many changes to its attributes and behaviour. For this reason versions v1.x have a different internal ID (COM.JK64.REPORT_GOOGLE_MAP_R1) to the v0.x releases.

After installing v1.x, the two versions of the plugin can safely co-exist to give you time to update your application.

  1. Take a backup of your application by exporting it.

  2. Install the plugin region_type_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_r1.sql. It will be created as a new plugin (i.e. it will leave any pre-1.0 version unchanged).

  3. Set the Component Settings for the plugin (at minimum, the Google Maps API Key).

  4. Review the Utilization report (found under Shared Components / Plugins / Utilization) to see where the old version of the plugin is being used.

  5. (OPTIONAL) To add dynamic action features, import the companion Dynamic Action plugins:

    dynamic_action_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_da_r1.sql dynamic_action_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_directions_da.sql

  6. On each page that uses the plugin:

    1. Right-click on the old plugin region and select Duplicate.

    2. On the new region, change the region Type to JK64 Report Google Map R1 [Plug-In].

    3. If your region was based on a SQL query, set the new region Source Location to Local Database and Type to SQL Query. Copy your SQL query from the old region to the new region. Note: some query features are no longer supported (circle radius, etc) - review the SQL Query Examples for more information.

    4. Check for any plugin attributes that were unable to be duplicated from the old plugin to the new one, and set their corresponding attributes on the new region, where supported.

    5. Convert any Dynamic Actions to respond to the equivalent event for the new (R1) plugin. The event names haven't changed, but you will need to explicitly change each of them to the new ("R1") actions - refer to Plugin Events Reference for more information.

    6. Re-implement features that have changed (for example, Set Item ID on Click); some features now require using a dynamic action on the plugin. Review the Plugin Attributes Reference for more information on each attribute that has been changed. Consider using a Dynamic Action based on the Report Google Map R1 Action or Report Google Map R1 Show Directions plugins (if you installed them).

    7. Delete the old map region.

    8. Test all features and behaviour related to the map region.

  7. Once you have deleted all references to the old version of the plugin, you can delete the old plugin itself from Shared Components / Plugins.