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jhoar edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 4 revisions

D'acchord is a six voice VCO. It uses the Andrew Belt's EvenVCO implementation as the core VCO.


The row of pitch inputs at the top provide the input frequencies to the oscillators.

  • The first input is a polyphonic input which will feed the 6 channels.
  • 6 monophonic inputs can also be provided.
  • If both a polyphonic and monophonic input is present on a channel, the monophonic input will override the poly input.
  • If neither a poly or mono input is found for a channel, 0V will be taken as input to the oscillator.

Each row of controls

  • Waveform
  • Octave shifting the pitch up or down by 3 octaves
  • Detuning by up to 1 semi-tone
  • Pulse width and pulse width modulation
  • Signal attenuation
  • Output panning on the left and right channels

The Spread control acts as an attenuator to the panning setting. At maximum spread the voice is as set in the respective Pan setting. As the value decreases, the position of each voice is moved proportionally towards the centre.

The output is sent out through the L and R outputs. If just the L or R output is patched then everything goes through that output. If both L and R are patched; the 'odd numbered' signals go through L and the 'even numbered' signals go through R.

The 'Randomize' option from the module context menu (or CTRL+I) gives you are massive range of tonal options.

This module is a good partner with modules such as Progress and Galaxy.

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