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MI-AFP homework #04

Homework to practice types for text, containers, and work with errors


This time your task is more complex, you have some TODOs in three files and there is one more containing important data types for your implementation.

  1. First warm-up task is to implement 7 very simple functions in Data.Stack (src/Data/Stack.hs). Do not change the data type definition and just implement functions typical for stack data structure (pop, push, top, size, null) and also popSafe + topSafe which use Maybe data type instead of throwing errors for empty stack.
  2. After implementing Data.Stack you can proceed to implement StackMachine. Take a look at Control.Program where you find definitions of Instruction, Program, and other data types which you have to use (but do not change them). Then in StackMachine are prepared type synonyms which should be used in your implementation of runProgram as well. Stack machine takes a program with input and returns output (or throws an appropriate error).
    You will need some helper function that includes stack, memory, and directory of labels (used for jumping). Implement logic of each instruction, their semantics are described in Control.Program and by tests in test/StackMachineSpec.hs. When all of them working correctly, you should be able to run more complex programs from test/Fixtures/Programs.hs.
  3. Little bit off-topic task can be found in Lists, where you should apply knowledge about list comprehensions (do NOT use recursion).
    • pythagoreanTriples = endless list of Pythagorean triples (contains also primitive triples) = all (a, b, c) which comply with a² + b² = c². The challenge here is to set-up the bounds correctly.
    • eyeMatrix n = forms square identity matrix of dimension n (nested lists, sublists are rows)
    • matrixMultiplication x y = returns product of two matrices x and y (matrix multiplication, check the size)

Hints & general requirements:

  • Being DRY is essential, do not repeat code. Name expressions to reuse then, introduce helper functions.
  • Local names (via where or let-in) in functions should be introduced to make the code more readable. Creating helper functions in module scope is awful.
  • For stack and stack machine, use pattern matching to the maximum! It is possible to implement both without using if-then-else. Recall that you can use "deeper" pattern matching (e.g., foo (Maybe (x:xs))) and that you should use wildcard _ if you don't need the value.
  • You can think about a program as a special list of instructions which you can process recursively and pass some context (I/O and internal state) along the way.
  • For jump instruction, first construct the map with labels as keys and programs as values. This map you will then pass all the time without changing. There are no global variables! There is no mutability!
  • In Lists use list comprehensions instead of recursion. If nesting them is too complex for you, use some local function for inner list comprehension.
  • In this homework you will work with various containers, look up the documentation. Do not re-invent the wheel!
  • You must understand your code completely!


  • In case of uncertainty, check the dummy homework to recall what is the homework workflow for this course.
  • If you encounter some trouble, create an issue in your repository.
  • In case you find a bug or have an idea how to improve assignment project, create an issue or PR in this repository.


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MI-AFP 2017/18 assignment 4







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