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Jovial George

Built with 🧠 by Jovial George

Jovial George - Official Website

👨‍💻This is my official website which is made to manage my personal profile and for staying connected🤝 to all. The website is build basically using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is 🌎hosted in Firebase platform. Firebase realtime JSON database🗃 is used as backend database to store essential messages and 💾other data.

Want to know more? Then check out this 👉HERE. Just view my portfolio, Follow me on social platforms to stay posted or else send me a personal message throught it. Tell me your story, I ❤️ feedbacks and meeting people👫.


  • Easy Page 🕹Navigation
  • Personal Messaging📮 Service
  • Responsive📱 Design
  • 👾Interactive and 👪User-Friendly UI

Built With

  • HTML, CSS & JavaScript - Main web technologies
  • Bootstrap - CSS front-end framework
  • JQuery - JavaScript library

Getting Started

  • Prerequisites

    • Sign in to Firebase and create a new project

    • Create a web app inside this project

    • Install Node.js

    • Then install Firebase CLI in Node.js by running this command:

      npm install -g firebase-tools
    • Setup Firebase CLI by running this command:

      firebase login

      And enter Firebase login credentials

  • Installation

    • Download this source code:

      git clone
    • Replace this code in each page with your Firebase configuration details from Firebase project overview:

      <!-- Firebase Config Setup -->
          // Your web app's Firebase configuration
          var firebaseConfig = {
      	  apiKey: "api-key",
      	  authDomain: "",
      	  databaseURL: "",
      	  projectId: "project-id",
      	  storageBucket: "",
      	  messagingSenderId: "sender-id",
      	  appId: "app-id",
      	  measurementId: "G-measurement-id",
          // Initialize Firebase
         // Get a reference to the database service
        var database = firebase.database();
    • Initiate Firebase app by running this command:

      firebase init


  • Deploy Firebase app on local system by running this command:

    firebase serve
  • And Have Fun😉✨


  • Deploy🌐 Firebase app by running this command:

    firebase deploy


Want to contribute? I heartly💖 welcome all contributions and community 📝feedbacks. Please kindly follow this contributing guidelines.

Reporting Security Issues

Security issues⚠️ and bugs can be reported by using label issues and pull requests funtion in Github:octocat:. Or else report privately via 📧email at [email protected]. You will receive the response shortly. If for some reason you did not get any😅, Then please go to my official website 👉, It include all my rest available contact details. Just hit me up, I love to talk💬



Licensed under the MIT License.


  • Hat tip🎩 to anyone whose open source code was used
  • And StackOverflow😉