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jphfilm edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

This wiki is designed to support anyone attempting to build their own rig to capture and process old home movies (or other silent films), using a modified projector.

With an appropriate lens and motor mount, it can be adapted to work with 8mm, Super 8, and 16mm films.

Building this project requires only light to moderate maker skills, and can reasonably be accomplished on a budget of around $150 (assuming you already have a working computer.)

With my setup, I'm able to capture movies at > 1080p at greater than a frame per second with a high dynamic range which film makes available.

Although the software I've built to run it is specific to my setup, I'd love to see it modified and improved to be more generally applicable to other hardware (e.g. non-pi cameras); so collaborators are welcome.

If you use these instructions and software on your own project, please share your own experiences and suggested improvements.