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Getting Started

Jeremiah van Oosten edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 9 revisions

Getting Started

Generating Project Files

This project uses CMake to configure the project. There is a script in the root of the repository called GenerateProjectFiles.bat that can be used to generate the Visual Studio projects and solution file.

The script uses a CMake executable that is provided with the repository (in the Tools folder) so you don't need to download CMake seperatly. It also uses vswhere to locate the latest version of the Visual Studio IDE that is installed on your system. It will work with the following versions of Visual Studio:

  • Visual Studio 17 2022
  • Visual Studio 16 2019
  • Visual Studio 15 2017
  • Visual Studio 14 2015

The GenerateProjectFiles.bat script will choose the newest version that has the "Game Development with C++" workload installed. The "Game Development with C++" workload is required for DirectX 12 development.

If the GenerateProjectFiles.bat script is able to generate the project and solution files, it will also launch the generated solution file in Visual Studio. It should be possible to just compile and run the project "out-of-the-box" by pressing F5 or select Debug > Start Debugging from the main menu in Visual Studio.

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