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ESP32 Arduino Core Setup for TinderBox ESP v0.3.1

Justin Nelson edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

Please check your specific ESP32 dev board pinouts if attempting to use this version.

  1. Install the latest version of Arduino IDE (at this writing 1.8.13) from

  2. Install ESP32 support in Arduino IDE following this guide from the ESP32 developers:

  3. Install Arduino Libraries (refer to this: for ButtonFever ( and esp8266-oled-ssd1306 (

  4. Plug in your ESP32 dev board via USB to your computer.

  5. In the Tools menu, select your ESP32 board type from the Board->ESP32 Arduino submenu. If you're unsure what one is yours, check the online listing/comments for the board you bought for more information. It will likely be ESP32 DevKit or NodeMCU based. You can leave all other defaults it selects. Also verify that in the Port submenu, you can see something like COM3 or COM4 and that it has been selected. This indicates that your ESP32 dev board has been properly detected by the IDE and is ready to have a program uploaded to it.

  6. Clone this repo's code and open the Arduino project in the Arduino IDE (/src/tinderbox_ESP32/tinderbox/).

  7. If you are using an 1.3" SH1106 screen instead of 0.96" SSD1306, you will need to swap commenting on lines 2-3 and 19-20 of tinderbox.ino (the main script file) in order for your screen to work properly.

  8. Upload the program to your ESP32 by clicking the right pointing arrow button in the IDE toolbar or under Sketch->Upload in the menu bar.

  9. After it is done uploading and resetting the ESP32, you should see the TinderBox load screen.

If you have any problems with the screen or buttons, refer to the ESP32 schematic or reach out for help!

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