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Notification service API

Running service as docker container

  1. Download and install Docker from
  2. Build and run service using following command: docker-compose up -d --build
  3. Use API hosted on http://localhost:3000/api/v1

Running service as a regular node.js application

  1. Download and install MongoDB server from
  2. Run MongoDB server
  3. Download and install yarn from
  4. Install package cross-env globally using the following command yarn global add cross-env
  5. Prepare link to connect to your MongoDB server: mongodb://db_username:db_password@db_host:db_port/db_name (Replace db_username, db_password, db_host, db_port and db_name to your values.)
  6. Run service using the following command: cross-env MONGO_URL=link_from_previous_step yarn start
  7. Use API hosted on http://localhost:3000/api/v1

Mock data generation

To generate mock data you need to set up some environment variables before applications start:

  • APPLY_FIXTURES: "true" - to enable mock data generation (10 notifications by default)
  • FIXTURES_COUNT: 20 - to generate exact amount of data

You can set these variables in docker-compose.yml:18 if you are running the service as a docker container. Or you can set these variables using cross-env if you are running the service as a node.js app:

cross-env MONGO_URL=... APPLY_FIXTURES="true" FIXTURES_COUNT=20 yarn start

API Documentation

Swagger documentation for service API is located here.