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A terraform module to set-up a Lambda forwarning SNS notifications to a Google Chat channel.


  • Set-up a Lambda accepting SNS notification to a GChat channel
# Set-up Lambda
module "lambda_sns_gchat_notification" {
  source            = ""
  name              = "SnsToGChatMessage"
  gchat_webhook_url   = "https://[....]"
  tags                = { "custom:tag" : "someValue" }

# Create some SNS topic.
resource "aws_sns_topic" "some_sns_topic" {
  name = "SomeSnsTopic"

# Allow the lambda to be invoked by this SNS topic
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "with_sns" {
  statement_id  = "AllowExecutionFromSNS"
  action        = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
  function_name = module.lambda_sns_gchat_notification.lambda_arn
  principal     = ""
  source_arn    = aws_sns_topic.some_sns_topic.arn

# Create a subscription for the lambda to this Topic
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "lambda" {
  topic_arn = aws_sns_topic.some_sns_topic.arn
  protocol  = "lambda"
  endpoint  = module.lambda_sns_gchat_notification.lambda_arn

Module Input Variables

Name Type Default Description
name string  Not Set  The name of the lambda to create. Required.
gchat_webhook_url string  Not Set  The Google Chat Webhook URL. This value is marked as sensitive.Required.
tags map(string)  {}  The tags to assign to the created resources.
ssm_prefix string  Not Set  The SSM Parameter prefix to use when creating specific parameters. Must start with / and must not end with /. If not specified, the prefix /lambda/{name} prefix will be used.
custom_iam_role_arn string  Not Set  The IAM role to assign to the Lambda. If not specified, a role with appropriate permissions will be created.
custom_ssm_kms_key_arn string  Not Set  The KMS Key ARN to use to encrypt/decrypt SSM parameters. If not specified, a KMS key will be created.


Name Type Description
lambda_function_name  string  The Lambda function name.
lambda_arn ARN  The Lambda Amazon Resource Identifier.
lambda_iam_role_arn ARN  The IAM Role Amazon Resource Identifier assigned to the Lambda.
lambda_log_group_name string  The CloudWatch Log Group name in which the Lambda push logs.
lambda_log_group_arn ARN  The CloudWatch Log Group Amazon Resource Identifier assigned in which the Lambda push logs.
ssm_kms_key_arn ARN  The KMS Key Amazon Resource Identifier used to encrypt/decrypt SSM parameters.
ssm_parameter_gchat_webhook_url_arn ARN  The SSM parameter Amazon Resource Identifier used to hold the GoogleChat WebHook URL.


This project is totally open source and contributors are welcome.

When you submit a PR, please ensure that the python code is well formatted and linted.

$ make format
$ make lint
$ make test