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I am a PhD student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, where I work with the Programming Languages and Software Engineering (PLSE) group. Click here for more info. I do research in AI (abstract interpretation). I am currently an intern with the AWS Privacy & Security Automation Group.

Software tooling and programmer productivity are my main interests. I find it most rewarding to work on problems that programmers actually face in practice; solutions to which will prevent incorrect code from ever being written and deployed in the first place. I've gotten my feet wet in industry, ranging from small startups with 4 backend developers, to behemoths like @twitter.

Before all that, I earned my Master's degree in Computer Science at @ubc, where my thesis investigated how developers investigate data-flow reachability questions, working on user interfaces and IDEs was fun!

#lang racket

(define (sbc s)
  (local [(define (zip s)
            (for/list ([c s]
                       [i (build-list (string-length s) add1)])
              `(,i ,(string c))))
          (define (upcase-evens lop)
            (for/list ([p lop])
              (match p
                [`(,i ,c) (if (not (odd? i))
                              (string-upcase c)
    (apply string-append ((compose upcase-evens zip) s))))

(sbc "hello, world")


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