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k-off edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Disassembler (decompiler) is opposite to assembler (compiler). It translates the byte-code into human readable assembly language.

Important, that the restored .s file will not be 100% identical to original one.

During the compilation all information about comments and label names is lost. Labels are replaced with the numeric equivalents.

That is, if initial file looks like:

.name       "Batman"
.comment    "This city needs me"

        sti r1, %:live, %1
        live %0
        ld %0, r2
        zjmp %:loop

... after 'compilation-decompilation cycle' will look loke:

.name "Batman"
.comment "This city needs me"

sti r1, %7, %1
live %0
ld %0, r2
zjmp %-19

Also, file .cor compiled from the restored .s file must be identical to the .cor file compiled from original one.