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Shawn Bruce edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

PSUControl supports OctoPrint CLI commands.

Example on OctoPi

(oprint) pi@octopi:~ $ source ~/oprint/bin/activate
(oprint) pi@octopi:~ $ octoprint plugins 
Initializing settings & plugin subsystem...
Usage: octoprint plugins [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Additional commands provided by plugins.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  backup:backup          Creates a new backup.
  backup:restore         Restores an existing backup from the backup zip...
  psucontrol:off         Turn the PSU Off
  psucontrol:on          Turn the PSU On
  psucontrol:status      Get the current PSU status
  psucontrol:toggle      Toggle the PSU On/Off
  softwareupdate:check   Check for updates.
  softwareupdate:update  Apply updates.
(oprint) pi@octopi:~ $ octoprint plugins psucontrol:status
Initializing settings & plugin subsystem...
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