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This module integrates the wonderful jquery calendar plugin built by Jaime Fdez:

Create and schedule different type of event in this calendar. Check the diversity in content type.


Drupal 7.x

This module requires the following contrib module :


  • Content type options
  • General configuration such as date format, links option, cashing, speed and much more.
  • Text and label confuguration such as prefix, suffix of the event head date, next and previous buttons, url button and much more.
  • Choose between different themes.


  • Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal module.For further information see:
  • Download the Jquery event calendar library from
  • Place the library in the appropriate directory E.G. sites/all/libraries/jquery-event-calendar sites/all/libraries/jquery-event-calendar/eventCalendar.css sites/all/libraries/jquery-event-calendar/eventCalendar_theme_responsive.css sites/all/libraries/jquery-event-calendar/jquery.eventCalendar.min.js sites/all/libraries/jquery-event-calendar/moment.js
  • You may need to wrap jquery.eventCalendar.min.js with (function ($) { ....... }(jQuery)); if you got the following error : Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined


  • Jquery event calendar settings can be found at admin/config/user-interface/jquery-event-calendar.
  • Settings are defined as groups.
  • Once you have configured your settings, you will be able to see result on the calendar after placing the "Event calendar" block.
  • Finally be sure you have selected the date field in settings and entered it in content.