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This repository is used to continuously benchmark MwDB, using jmh.

Benchmark process

Twice a day (around noon and midnight), a Jenkins server pulls MwDB repository and builds it. Then, it processes all the benchmarks. If the MwG build or the benchmark project build fail, the bench will also fail, without process the bench. If one or more bench fail, the build will also failed at the end. BUT, all the bench are processed, the results are store as normal and send to the storage server. A JSON file is created with all the bench results and is they succeed or not. If a bench failed, we add the stacktrace in the Json file. This file could be find in /var/bench-logs in docker that contains Jenkins.

Currently, the storage server create a CSV file to sum-up the results. If a bench had failed, we put -1 as value.

Benchmarck process:

#Clone and build last version of MwDB
git clone
cd mwDB
echo "mwDB commit ID: "
git rev-parse --short HEAD
mvn clean install

#CLone and build last verisons of benchmarks
git clone
cd benchmark
echo "benchmark commit ID: "
git rev-parse --short HEAD
mvn clean install
#Executes the benchmarks and create a JSON file with the results
cd bench/target
java -jar bench-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /var/bench-logs http://build:9876

Next sections is for intern purpose

Everything in a docker

The Jenkins build server and the Java server that collects the results, referenced as storage server, are in a docker on build machine. The Jenkins docker has been made using lmouline/myjenkins docker, built with DockerBuild-Jenkins. Running command is: docker run -p 8181:8080 -p 50001:50000 -v /home/kluster/jmh/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home --name bench-myjenkins -i myjenkins

The storage docker has been made using lmouline/storage docker, built with DockerBuild-Storage. Running command is:

docker run -it lmouline/storage --name bench-storage -p 9876:9876
docker exec -t bench-storage /etc/init.d/storage-daemon start

Manage the Java server daemon:

Start it: /etc/init.d/storage-daemon start
Stop it: /etc/init.d/storage-daemon start
Reload it: /etc/init.d/storage-daemon reload
The reload action gets the jar file in storage/exec and launches it.
To put the storage jar file here, after a mvn install, just execute storage/ script.

#Get the Bench data (as CSV file) To get the CSV files containing a summary of the bench results, connect to the build machine and find the files in /home/kluster/bench-results/mwg-bench. There is one file per bench (so two per day). The file name is created with this java code: System.currentTimeMillis() + "-bench.csv"