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QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39

khoih-prog opened this issue Mar 14, 2022 · 19 comments


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The original issue was reported in PJRC forum in WebSockets_Generic Library

Duplicated here for easier to follow-up.

  1. DHCP is working OK with QNEthernet
Starting Teensy41_Client on TEENSY 4.1 using QNEthernet
WebSockets2_Generic v1.10.1
=========== USE_QN_ETHERNET ===========
Initialize Ethernet using DHCP => Connected! IP address:
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 1
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: handshake = GET / HTTP/1.1
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg==
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: TinyWebsockets Client
Authorization: Basic 

[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 2
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 3
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 4
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = HTTP/1.1 101
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 5
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 6
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = websocket
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Connection
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Sec-WebSocket-Accept
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = BACScCJPNqyz+UBoqMH89VmURoA=
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Origin
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value =
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 7
Connected to server : ws://
Got Message: Hello Server
  1. Static IP is not working OK with QNEthernet
Starting Teensy41_Client on TEENSY 4.1 using QNEthernet
WebSockets2_Generic v1.10.1
=========== USE_QN_ETHERNET ===========
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => Connected! IP address:
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 1
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: not _connectionOpen, host = , port = 8080
Couldn't connect to server : ws://
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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

Test using RP2040 and RP2040-Ethernet-Client, core arduino-pico, W5500 Ethernet. Both DCHP and StaticIP are OK.

So we can narrow down the issue is around this library's QNEthernet / NativeEtnernet implementation or QNEthernet / NativeEtnernet of handling StaticIP

1. RP2040-Ethernet-Client on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, DHCP

Starting RP2040-Ethernet-Client on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
Ethernet using W5x00 and EthernetLarge Library
WebSockets2_Generic v1.10.1
_pinCS = 0
W5100 init, using SS_PIN_DEFAULT = 10, new ss_pin = 10, W5100Class::ss_pin = 17
W5100::init: W5500, SSIZE =8192
WebSockets Client IP address:      <======  DHCP
Connecting to WebSockets Server @
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 1
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: handshake = GET / HTTP/1.1
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg==
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: TinyWebsockets Client
Authorization: Basic 

[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 2
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 3
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 4
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = HTTP/1.1 101
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 5
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 6
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = websocket
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Connection
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Sec-WebSocket-Accept
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = BACScCJPNqyz+UBoqMH89VmURoA=
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Origin
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value =
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 7
Connnection Opened
Got Message: Hello to Server from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
Got a Ping!

2. RP2040-Ethernet-Client on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, staticIP

Starting RP2040-Ethernet-Client on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO
Ethernet using W5x00 and EthernetLarge Library
WebSockets2_Generic v1.10.1

W5100 init, using SS_PIN_DEFAULT = 10, new ss_pin = 10, W5100Class::ss_pin = 17
W5100::init: W5500, SSIZE =8192
WebSockets Client IP address:           <==========  Static IP
Connecting to WebSockets Server @
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 1
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: handshake = GET / HTTP/1.1
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg==
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: TinyWebsockets Client
Authorization: Basic 

[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 2
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 3
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 4
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = HTTP/1.1 101
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 5
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 6
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = websocket
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Connection
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Sec-WebSocket-Accept
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = BACScCJPNqyz+UBoqMH89VmURoA=
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Origin
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value =
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 7
Connnection Opened
Got Message: Hello to Server from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

Hi @ssilverman

I narrow down the bug which is in QNEthernet and NativeEthernet. This happens when we're using staticIP and server as numeric IP. If server is using hostname => OK

Steps to duplicate

  1. Using example WebClient from my forked copy of your QNEthernet
  2. Change WebClient.ino#L26 to use staticIP
#define USING_DHCP    false   //true
  1. If we keep WebClient.ino#L23 as is to use hostname
  • code
char server[] = "";
//IPAddress server(100,24,172,113);

then OK

  • terminal
Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
Connecting to
Connected to
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.4.2
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:31:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 2317
Last-Modified: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:33:32 GMT
Connection: close
Vary: Accept-Encoding
ETag: "62176d0c-90d"
Accept-Ranges: bytes

Please use via HTTP

           `:;;;,`                      .:;;:.           
        .;;;;;;;;;;;`                :;;;;;;;;;;:     TM 
      `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;`            :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;      
     :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;         `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;     
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;       .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
   ;;;;;;;;:`   `;;;;;;;;;     ,;;;;;;;;.`   .;;;;;;;;   
  .;;;;;;,         :;;;;;;;   .;;;;;;;          ;;;;;;;  
  ;;;;;;             ;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;,            ;;;;;;. 
 ,;;;;;               ;;;;;;.;;;;;;`              ;;;;;; 
 ;;;;;.                ;;;;;;;;;;;`      ```       ;;;;;`
 ;;;;;                  ;;;;;;;;;,       ;;;       .;;;;;
`;;;;:                  `;;;;;;;;        ;;;        ;;;;;
,;;;;`    `,,,,,,,,      ;;;;;;;      .,,;;;,,,     ;;;;;
:;;;;`    .;;;;;;;;       ;;;;;,      :;;;;;;;;     ;;;;;
:;;;;`    .;;;;;;;;      `;;;;;;      :;;;;;;;;     ;;;;;
.;;;;.                   ;;;;;;;.        ;;;        ;;;;;
 ;;;;;                  ;;;;;;;;;        ;;;        ;;;;;
 ;;;;;                 .;;;;;;;;;;       ;;;       ;;;;;,
 ;;;;;;               `;;;;;;;;;;;;                ;;;;; 
 `;;;;;,             .;;;;;; ;;;;;;;              ;;;;;; 
  ;;;;;;:           :;;;;;;.  ;;;;;;;            ;;;;;;  
   ;;;;;;;`       .;;;;;;;,    ;;;;;;;;        ;;;;;;;:  
    ;;;;;;;;;:,:;;;;;;;;;:      ;;;;;;;;;;:,;;;;;;;;;;   
    `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;           :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:     
       ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,              ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;       
         .;;;;;;;;;`                  ,;;;;;;;;:         
    ;;;   ;;;;;`  ;;;;:  .;;  ;; ,;;;;;, ;;. `;,  ;;;;   
    ;;;   ;;:;;;  ;;;;;; .;;  ;; ,;;;;;: ;;; `;, ;;;:;;  
   ,;:;   ;;  ;;  ;;  ;; .;;  ;;   ,;,   ;;;,`;, ;;  ;;  
   ;; ;:  ;;  ;;  ;;  ;; .;;  ;;   ,;,   ;;;;`;, ;;  ;;. 
   ;: ;;  ;;;;;:  ;;  ;; .;;  ;;   ,;,   ;;`;;;, ;;  ;;` 
  ,;;;;;  ;;`;;   ;;  ;; .;;  ;;   ,;,   ;; ;;;, ;;  ;;  
  ;;  ,;, ;; .;;  ;;;;;:  ;;;;;: ,;;;;;: ;;  ;;, ;;;;;;  
  ;;   ;; ;;  ;;` ;;;;.   `;;;:  ,;;;;;, ;;  ;;,  ;;;;   

Received 2574 bytes in 0.3492, rate = 7.37 kbytes/second
  1. If we change to use the correct IPAddress of, which is IPAddress server(100,24,172,113), we can't connect
  • code
//char server[] = "";  // also change the Host line in httpRequest()
IPAddress server(100,24,172,113);
  • Terminal
Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
Connecting to
Connection failed

Received 0 bytes in 0.0000, rate = nan kbytes/second

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

More tests on

1. ping

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=64.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=64.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=64.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=64.9 ms

2. Using hostname => OK

Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
Connecting to
Connected to
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found on Accelerator
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:44:09 GMT
Connection: close
Server: ATS
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Length: 4792

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimal-ui">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
      html {
          height: 100%;
      body {
          background: #fafafc url( 50% 50%;
          background-size: cover;
          height: 100%;
          text-align: center;
          font: 300 18px "helvetica neue", helvetica, verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
          margin: 0;
      table {
          height: 100%;
          width: 100%;
          table-layout: fixed;
          border-collapse: collapse;
          border-spacing: 0;
          border: none;
      h1 {
          font-size: 42px;
          font-weight: 400;
          color: #400090;
      p {
          color: #1A1A1A;
      #message-1 {
          font-weight: bold;
          margin: 0;
      #message-2 {
          display: inline-block;
          *display: inline;
          zoom: 1;
          max-width: 17em;
          _width: 17em;
  <!-- status code : 404 -->
  <!-- Not Found on Accelerator -->
  <!-- host machine: -->
  <!-- timestamp: 1647229449.855 -->
  <!-- url:>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function buildUrl(url, parameters){
      var qs = [];
      for(var key in parameters) {
        var value = parameters[key];
        qs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
      url = url + "?" + qs.join('&');
      return url;

    function generateBRBMarkup(site) {
      params.source = 'brb';
      var englishHeader = 'Will be right back...';
      var englishMessage1 = 'Thank you for your patience.';
      var englishMessage2 = 'Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.';
      var defaultLogoStyle = '';
      var siteDataMap = {
        'default': {
          logo: '',
          logoAlt: 'Yahoo Logo',
          logoStyle: defaultLogoStyle,
          header: englishHeader,
          message1: englishMessage1,
          message2: englishMessage2

      var siteDetails = siteDataMap['default'];

      document.write('<div id="content">');
      document.write('<img src="' + siteDetails['logo'] + '" alt="' + siteDetails['logoAlt'] + '" style="' + siteDetails['logoStyle'] + '">');
      document.write('<h1 style="margin-top:20px;">' + siteDetails['header'] + '</h1>');
      document.write('<p id="message-1">' + siteDetails['message1'] + '</p>');
      document.write('<p id="message-2">' + siteDetails['message2'] + '</p>');

    function generateBeaconMarkup(params) {
        document.write('<img src="' + buildUrl('//', params) + '" style="display:none;" width="0px" height="0px"/>');
        var beacon = new Image();
        beacon.src = buildUrl('//', params);

    var hostname = window.location.hostname;
    var device = '-';
    var ynet = ('-' === '1');
    var time = new Date().getTime();
    var params = {
        s: '1197757129',
        t: time,
        err_url: document.URL,
        err: '404',
        test: '-',
        ats_host: '',
        rid: '-',
        message: 'Not Found on Accelerator'

    if(ynet) {
        document.write('<div style="height: 5px; background-color: red;"></div>');
    generateBRBMarkup(hostname, params);

          <div id="englishContent">
            <h1 style="margin-top:20px;">Will be right back...</h1>
            <p id="message-1">Thank you for your patience.</p>
            <p id="message-2">Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.</p>

Received 5025 bytes in 0.3704, rate = 13.57 kbytes/second

3. Using IPAddress server(98,137,11,163) for => not OK

Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
Connecting to
Connection failed

Received 0 bytes in 0.0000, rate = nan kbytes/second

4. Using IPAddress server(98,137,11,164) for as in terminal 2 => still not OK

Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
Connecting to       <===== Using same IP as in #### 2
Connection failed

Received 0 bytes in 0.0000, rate = nan kbytes/second

Using IPAddress server(98,137,11,164) for as in terminal 2 with DHCP => OK

Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using DHCP => IP Address =
Connecting to       <===== Using same IP as in #### 2
Connected to
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found on Accelerator
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 03:55:12 GMT
Connection: close
Server: ATS
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Length: 4792

Received 5025 bytes in 0.2521, rate = 19.93 kbytes/second

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Thanks for the details. I will have a look.

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

The error is in function in lwip/tcp.c

err_t tcp_connect(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, u16_t port, tcp_connected_fn connected)

with the return value ERR_RTE = -4 => no route ??

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ssilverman commented Mar 14, 2022

What are you setting the IP/netmask/gateway to in the above tests? Also, what are these values when using DHCP?

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They are set according to my local network, and they are certainly correct as they are OK for staticIP + hostname

  // Set the static IP address to use if the DHCP fails to assign
  IPAddress myIP(192, 168, 2, 222);
  IPAddress myNetmask(255, 255, 255, 0);
  IPAddress myGW(192, 168, 2, 1);
  IPAddress mydnsServer(8, 8, 8, 8);

  // Start the Ethernet connection, using DHCP
  Serial.print("Initialize Ethernet using DHCP => ");
  // Start the Ethernet connection, using static IP
  Serial.print("Initialize Ethernet using static IP => ");
  Ethernet.begin(myIP, myNetmask, myGW);

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ssilverman commented Mar 14, 2022

I think I figured it out; there appear to be two factors:

  1. The "route error" (ERR_RTE=-4) is because the link isn't yet detected to be up when a connection is attempted. To solve this, after setting a static IP, you can call a new Ethernet.waitForLink(timeout) function that waits for the link to be detected. Alternatively, you can check if there's a link each time you attempt to connect as a client. I don't have a preference for either of the two approaches; it will depend on how the code is structured or intended to be used.

  2. It's possible that the default connection timeout, 1000ms, isn't long enough. Try setting this higher.

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

To solve this, after setting a static IP, you can call a new Ethernet.waitForLink(timeout) function that waits for the link to be detected.

But why the staticIP is working normally when using server's hostname, which takes more time to convert to serverIP using DNS ?

in the WebClient code, there is already 5000ms timeout waiting for localIP

  if (!Ethernet.waitForLocalIP(5000))
    Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet");

    if (!Ethernet.linkStatus())
      Serial.println("Ethernet cable is not connected.");

    // Stay here forever
    while (true)
    Serial.print("IP Address = ");

Moreover, there is no waitForLink() function anywhere in your lib.

I guess this is very elusive bug, don't know there's anything related to the T4.1 Ethernet chip, because NativeEthernet lib has the exactly same staticIP + serverIP issue.

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OMG, you're right.

If I change from




then it's OK with staticIP + serverIP

Starting WebClient using QNEthernet Library
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => IP Address =
ipaddr = 3724716224
Connecting to
QNEthernetClient::connect(IPAddress): ip =, port = 80
QNEthernetClient::connect(IPAddress): ipaddr =
QNEthernetClient::connect(ip_addr_t): enter
QNEthernetClient::connect(ip_addr_t): ip_addr_t =
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): ipaddr =, port = 80
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): OK tcp_new
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): OK tcp_bind
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): pcb->local_ip =
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): error tcp_connect, tcp_connect() = 0
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): OK tcp_connect
ConnectionManager::connect(ip_addr_t): OK, pcb->local_ip =
QNEthernetClient::connect(ip_addr_t): OK
Connected to
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found on Accelerator
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 18:09:29 GMT
Connection: close
Server: ATS
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Length: 4792

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimal-ui">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
      html {
          height: 100%;
      body {
          background: #fafafc url( 50% 50%;
          background-size: cover;
          height: 100%;
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      h1 {
          font-size: 42px;
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      p {
          color: #1A1A1A;
      #message-1 {
          font-weight: bold;
          margin: 0;
      #message-2 {
          display: inline-block;
          *display: inline;
          zoom: 1;
          max-width: 17em;
          _width: 17em;
  <!-- status code : 404 -->
  <!-- Not Found on Accelerator -->
  <!-- host machine: -->
  <!-- timestamp: 1647281369.967 -->
  <!-- url:>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function buildUrl(url, parameters){
      var qs = [];
      for(var key in parameters) {
        var value = parameters[key];
        qs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
      url = url + "?" + qs.join('&');
      return url;

    function generateBRBMarkup(site) {
      params.source = 'brb';
      var englishHeader = 'Will be right back...';
      var englishMessage1 = 'Thank you for your patience.';
      var englishMessage2 = 'Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.';
      var defaultLogoStyle = '';
      var siteDataMap = {
        'default': {
          logo: '',
          logoAlt: 'Yahoo Logo',
          logoStyle: defaultLogoStyle,
          header: englishHeader,
          message1: englishMessage1,
          message2: englishMessage2

      var siteDetails = siteDataMap['default'];

      document.write('<div id="content">');
      document.write('<img src="' + siteDetails['logo'] + '" alt="' + siteDetails['logoAlt'] + '" style="' + siteDetails['logoStyle'] + '">');
      document.write('<h1 style="margin-top:20px;">' + siteDetails['header'] + '</h1>');
      document.write('<p id="message-1">' + siteDetails['message1'] + '</p>');
      document.write('<p id="message-2">' + siteDetails['message2'] + '</p>');

    function generateBeaconMarkup(params) {
        document.write('<img src="' + buildUrl('//', params) + '" style="display:none;" width="0px" height="0px"/>');
        var beacon = new Image();
        beacon.src = buildUrl('//', params);

    var hostname = window.location.hostname;
    var device = '-';
    var ynet = ('-' === '1');
    var time = new Date().getTime();
    var params = {
        s: '1197757129',
        t: time,
        err_url: document.URL,
        err: '404',
        test: '-',
        ats_host: '',
        rid: '-',
        message: 'Not Found on Accelerator'

    if(ynet) {
        document.write('<div style="height: 5px; background-color: red;"></div>');
    generateBRBMarkup(hostname, params);

          <div id="englishContent">
            <h1 style="margin-top:20px;">Will be right back...</h1>
            <p id="message-1">Thank you for your patience.</p>
            <p id="message-2">Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.</p>

Received 5025 bytes in 0.2518, rate = 19.95 kbytes/second

Copy link

I just pushed some new commits; I hadn't pushed it yet. :)

hostname question: My guess is that it has something to do with the fact that DNS lookups are UDP and there are retries by the time a link has been established, whereas TCP connections require some back-and-forth communication.

5000ms timeout waiting for localIP question: If a static IP is set, then there is immediately a valid localIP; no link is required. WIth DHCP, if it receives an IP address, a link has already been established because otherwise no traffic would come in.

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

Can you add something in your lib that autowait, depending on staticIP or DHCP, until everything is OK, and don't rely on error-prone external delay()

Such as in Ethernet.waitForLocalIP()

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

Now the WebSockets is working OK with the added delay()

Starting Teensy41_Client on TEENSY 4.1 using QNEthernet
WebSockets2_Generic v1.10.1
=========== USE_QN_ETHERNET ===========
Initialize Ethernet using static IP => Connected! IP address:
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = ws://
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 1
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: handshake = GET / HTTP/1.1
Sec-WebSocket-Key: MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg==
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
User-Agent: TinyWebsockets Client
Authorization: Basic 

[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: base64Authorization = 
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 2
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 3
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 4
[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: str = HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

[WS] WebsocketsClient::doestStartsWith: prefix = HTTP/1.1 101
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 5
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 6
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = websocket
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Connection
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = Upgrade
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Sec-WebSocket-Accept
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value = BACScCJPNqyz+UBoqMH89VmURoA=
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: key = Origin
[WS] WebsocketsClient::generateHandshake: value =
[WS] WebsocketsClient::connect: step 7
Connected to server : ws://
Got Message: Hello Server

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ssilverman commented Mar 14, 2022

I don't want to make functions blocking without a specified timeout. What are your thoughts about begin(staticIP-stuff) followed by Ethernet.waitForLink(timeout)? I feel that the "auto-wait" you suggest is better suited as a user function that wraps these two calls. I feel there's already too many begin functions.

Additionally, I'm not a fan of setting some easy-to-forget state that affects the behaviour of other functions. The necessary building blocks are already there and it's my preference to provide the building blocks but not all possible variations of options.

The best way to do all this instead, in my opinion, is to use the listener approach and watch for events, and then take actions on those events. The approach where all the state is detected once at the beginning of the program and then never again is brittle.

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

The best way to do all this instead, in my opinion, is to use the listener approach and watch for events, and then take actions on those events. The approach where all the state is detected once at the beginning of the program and then never again is brittle.

I agree with this approach, and this can only be decided by checking some ready events in the QNEthernet library. Certainly it's all up to your decision, which I trust is the good one.


The library can make this not wasting time, much better than anywhere else.

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khoih-prog commented Mar 14, 2022

I will update all the QNEthernet and NativeEthernet-related code for all of my other libraries and publish new releases

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ssilverman commented Mar 14, 2022

Thanks for your suggestions. I appreciate all your input.

Of these three things for a needed task:

  1. There's API support
  2. There's API support, but it's clunky or not clean
  3. There's no ability at all to do the task

Item 1 is the best, but sometimes it would make the API larger than necessary and more unmanageable. Item 2 is the minimum if Item 1 isn't possible, and will happen sometimes. My goal is to avoid Item 3. If something is needed, but the API can't provide for that need, then I agree with adding or modifying so that Items 1 or 2 become possible.

Which brings me to my question: even if clunky, do you feel that the QNEthernet API can do everything that you need?

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I prefer 1., certainly with these preferences

  1. Follow some standard API, if exists, to make code more portable
  2. Clean API
  3. Smart-enough API to fulfill complex tasks normal users can't have time or knowledge to study and understand. That's why libraries are necessary step-stones for complex projects.
    For example, this issue can be so elusive and almost unsolvable, until you, as the author, have the correct direction.

Anyway, I spent some time going thru your lib last night, and still think yours is still one of the best libs I've known. I can trust everything you do now.

khoih-prog added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 14, 2022
### Release v1.10.2

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](#39)
2. Add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
2. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 14, 2022
### Release v1.10.2

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](#39)
2. Add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
2. Update `Packages' Patches`
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Hi @ssilverman

The new WebSockets2_Generic releases v1.10.2 has just been published.

Your contribution, bug-fixing suggestion is noted in Contributions and Thanks

Release v1.10.2

  1. Fix bug when using QNEthernet staticIP. Check QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39
  2. Add staticIP option to NativeEthernet examples
  3. Update Packages' Patches

khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v2.0.2

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v2.0.2

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer_SSL that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v1.7.6

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer_SSL that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v1.7.6

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer_SSL that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v1.7.6

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples.
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer_SSL that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v1.7.6

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples.
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
khoih-prog added a commit to khoih-prog/EthernetWebServer_SSL that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
### Releases v1.7.6

1. Fix bug when using `QNEthernet` staticIP. Check [QNEthernet and NativeEthernet staticIP not working with WS Server #39](khoih-prog/WebSockets2_Generic#39)
2. Simplify and add staticIP option to `NativeEthernet` examples.
3. Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
4. Add `Packages' Patches` for [Fab_SAM_Arduino core](
5. Update `Packages' Patches`
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