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DeleteFilesOlderThan deletes files matching the passed file pattern and which are older than the given time specification from a folder.


DeleteFilesOlderThan /time=<time specification> /path=<folder to delete files from> [/filepattern=<files to delete>[;<files to delete>]] [/subfolders=0|1] [/filessmallerthan=|/filesgreaterthan=<file size>] [/recyclebin=0|1] [/readonly=0|1] [/processpriority=i|b] [/hideconsole=0|1] [/lastaccess=0|1]


DeleteFilesOlderThan /t=<time specification> /p=<folder to delete files from> [/f=<files to delete>[;<files to delete>]] [/s=0|1] [/fst=|/fgt=<file size>] [/rb=0|1] [/r=0|1] [/pp=i|b] [/hc=0|1] [/la=0|1]


  • DeleteFilesOlderThan /time=2d /path=D:\MyTarget
    Delete all files in folder D:\MyTarget which are older than two days.

  • DeleteFilesOlderThan /t=3w /p=C:\MyTarget\Data /f=*.txt /s=1
    Delete all *.txt files in folder C:\MyTarget\Data and all subfolders (/s) which are older than three weeks.

Pressing <ESC> any time will exit the program execution.


  • /t or /time
    Time specification (see below)
  • /p or /path
    (Start) folder
  • /f or /filepattern
    File pattern. If omitted, all files are scanned (equals /f=*.*).
  • /s or /subfolders
    Recurse subfolders yes(1) or no(0). If omitted, only the folder passed via /p is scanned for matching files (equals /s=0).
  • /rb or /recyclebin
    Delete to recycle bin instead of permanently delete. If omitted, defaults to 0 = delete files permanently.
  • /r or /readonly
    Delete readonly files? If omitted, defaults to 0 = don't delete readonly files.
  • /pp or /processpriority
    Set this process' priority to Idle ('i' = lowest possible) or Below normal ('b') in order to consume less (mainly CPU) resources.
  • /hc or /hideconsole
    Hide the application's (console) window? Yes(1) or no(0). Defaults to no.
  • /la or lastaccess
    Compare to a file's LastAccessTime instead of its LastWriteTime.
  • /fst or /filessmallerthan
    Only delete files smaller than the specified file size (see below how to pass file sizes).
  • /fgt or /filesgreaterthan
    Only delete files greater than the specified file size (see below how to pass file sizes).

Please note that you may only use either /fst or /fgt. You can't use both parameters. If you happen to pass both parameters, the last one 'wins'.

You may specify more than one file pattern for the parameter /f by using ; (semicolon) as a separator, e.g.
/f=*.doc;*.rtf = deletes all *.doc and all *.rtf files from the specified folder.
/f=Backup*.bak;Log*.trn = deletes all Backup*.bak and all Log*.trn files from the specified folder.

Allowed time specification units for parameter /t are

d = day   e.g. 1d
w = week  e.g. 2w
m = month e.g. 3m
y = year  e.g. 4y

Allowed file size units

none = Byte, e.g. 100
kb = Kilobyte, e.g. 100kb
mb = Megabyte, e.g. 100mb
gb = Gigabyte, e.g. 100gb
tb = Terabyte, e.g. 100tb

Please note: 1 KB = 1024 byte, 1 MB = 1024 KB etc.

Creating a log file

DeleteFilesOlderThan writes all output to STDOUT. So in order to produce a log file of its actions, simply redirect the output to a file via '> log_file_name'.