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Algorithms and Data Structures collection

Table of contents

Sorting algorithms

  • bubble sort (.js, .py, .cpp, .java)
  • cocktail sort (.js, .py, .cpp)
  • selection sort (.js, .py, .cpp, .java)
  • insertion sort (.js, .py, .cpp, .java)
  • shell sort (.js, .py. cpp, .java)
  • merge sort (.js, .py, .cpp)
  • quick sort (.js, .py, .cpp)
  • counting sort (positive and negative integers mix implementation) (.js, py, .cpp)
  • radix sort (positive and negative integers mix implementation) (.js, .py, .cpp)

Mathematical functions and algorithms for solving mathematical problems

  • least common multiple (LCM) (.py)
  • greatest common divisor (GCD) (.py)
  • sieve of Eratosthenes (.py)
  • factorial (.py)