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Post-process the output of the annotation software INCEpTION.

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INCEpTION postprocessor

This is a project-specific script to postprocess texts that were annotated in the semantic annotation software INCEpTION.

About the project

This project was developed at the German Seminar at the University of Zurich (chair Merten, Digitalisierte Kommunikationsräume).

We annotated German social media texts with two custom tagsets:

  • A formal tagset (e.g. 'NP' for nominal phrases, 'In' for interjection etc.)
  • A functional tagset (e.g. 'DaÄ' for expressions of thanks, 'DaO' for the object of the expression of thanks, 'EvB_l' for lexical parts of an evaluation etc.)

The text that was to be annotated contained one comment per line, e.g.:

@t_jo_maria danke! Super, dass du deinen Weg gefunden hast 😊
So stolz uf dich ❤️

We exported the annotated texts in the format 'WebAnno TSV v3.3 (WebAnno v3.x)'. The INCEpTION output looks like this:

#Text=@t_jo_maria danke! Super, dass du deinen Weg gefunden hast 😊
15-1	1294-1295	@	_	Ad\_@[184]	
15-2	1295-1305	t_jo_maria	_	Ad\_@[184]	
15-3	1306-1311	danke	_	CR[185]|DaÄ[186]	
15-4	1311-1312	!	_	CR[185]|DaÄ[186]	
15-5	1313-1318	Super	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvB\_l[188]	
15-6	1318-1319	,	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]	
15-7	1320-1324	dass	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-8	1325-1327	du	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-9	1328-1334	deinen	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-10	1335-1338	Weg	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-11	1339-1347	gefunden	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-12	1348-1352	hast	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EvO[189]	
15-13	1353-1355	😊	AdjP\_subj[7]	CR[185]|EvÄ\_p[187]|EM\_freu[190]	

#Text=So stolz uf dich ❤️
16-1	1356-1358	So	AdjP[8]	SUP\_Zu[191]	
16-2	1359-1364	stolz	AdjP[8]	SUP\_Zu[191]	
16-3	1365-1367	uf	AdjP[8]	SUP\_Zu[191]	
16-4	1368-1372	dich	AdjP[8]	SUP\_Zu[191]	
16-5	1373-1375	❤️	AdjP[8]	SUP\_Zu[191]|EM\_bez[192]	

In the INCEpTION output, different lines/comments are seperated by empty lines. For comment, the entire comment is outputted, followed by the tokenized line with all tags a token was tagged with. The lines with tokens are tab-seperated with the token in third position, the formal tag(s) in fourth position and functional tags in fifth position. If a tag was tagged with multiple tags from one tagset, those tags are seperated by a verticular bar '|'.

This script postprocesses the INCEpTION output so that phrases or comments that were tagged with a specific tag are outputted. Each command searches through all txt-files in the 'data' folder and returns either the entire comment a tag occurs in or just the 'phrases' within the comment that were tagged with the specific tag.

How to use the script


  • Write all comments with noun phrases to the output file:
 $ python3 --input data/ --output belegliste_NP.txt --formal NP
  • Write all comments with expressions of thanks to the output file:
 $ python3 --input data/ --output belegliste_DaAe.txt --functional DaÄ
  • Write all comments that contain tokens which are both an interjection and an evaluation to the output file:
 $ python3 --input data/ --output belegliste_NP_DaAe.txt --tag1 NP --tag2 DaÄ
  • Write all noun phrases (not the entire comment!) to the output file:
$ python3 --input data/ --output belegliste_p_NP.txt --phrase NP

Folder Structure

│       text1.txt
│       text2.txt
|       text3.txt
│       belegliste_c_NP.txt
│       belegliste_c_DaÄ.txt
|       belegliste_c_NP_DaÄ.txt


  • Python version 3.6 or newer


This script is licensed under the term of the MIT License, see the file LICENSE for more details.


Post-process the output of the annotation software INCEpTION.






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