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  1. Embed map into iframe


    Query Params:

    • lat: Latitude to center map
    • lon: Longitude to center map
    • zoom: Zoom level of map, from 2 to 18, where 2 is a continent level and 18 is a street level
    • lang: Language of map (es,en,pt)


    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%"/>

  2. Embed user stats into an iframe


Query Params:

  • user_id: User unique identifier in blockchain
  • lang: Language of map (es,en,pt)


<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%"/>


Main Endpoint:

Content-Type: application/json

  1. Get Country Summary

    Gets the summary status of users grouped by country

    Path: /

    Method: GET


      		"_id": "US",
      		"healthyCount": 29,
      		"withSymptomsCount": 0,
      		"affectedCount": 3,
      		"recoveredCount": 0,
      		"usersCount": 32,
      		"transactionsCount": 121
      		"_id": "BR",
      		"healthyCount": 9,
      		"withSymptomsCount": 1,
      		"affectedCount": 0,
      		"recoveredCount": 0,
      		"usersCount": 10,
      		"transactionsCount": 33
  2. Get Users By Age Range

    Gets the number of users by gender grouped by age range, using the filters in body request

    Path: /ages

    Method: POST

    Body Request:

        "filter": {
            "country": Two letter country code ISO 3166-2,
            "state": State code from ISO 3166-2,
            "gender": Gender code (see Genders catalog)
        "status": Status code (see Statuses catalog)


            "_id": "0_13",
            "count": 2,
            "maleCount": 1,
            "femaleCount": 0,
            "unspecifiedCount": 0,
            "otherCount": 1
            "_id": "18_30",
            "count": 41,
            "maleCount": 17,
            "femaleCount": 22,
            "unspecifiedCount": 1,
            "otherCount": 1
  3. Get Cluster Points by Area and Filter

    Gets the cluster of points by area and filter. Returns an array of cluster with the coordinates of the cluster center, as well as number of users in the cluster by: gender, status, symptoms and interruption reason.

    If you want all the clusters of the world, you need to specify the bigger box of map. The box parameter is a 2D array of coordinates, where first element represent the coordinates of bottom-left point of a rectangle and the second element represent the top-right point of a rectangle. Each pair of coordiantes are in the [longitude, latitude] format.

    The filter is optional, but the parameter is required, this means that if you don't want to use the filters, the parameters must be null.

    Path: /query

    Method: POST

    Body Request:

        "filter": {
            "country": Two letter country code ISO 3166-2 or null,
            "state": State code from ISO 3166-2 or null,
            "gender": Gender code (see Genders catalog) or null
            "age": Age range in years ("10-20", "40-60", etc) or null
        "box": [


     		"_id": "dqcn67",
     		"usersCount": 8,
     		"maleCount": 2,
     		"femaleCount": 5,
     		"unspecifiedCount": 0,
     		"otherCount": 1,
     		"confinedCount": 5,
     		"healthyCount": 8,
     		"withSymptomsCount": 0,
     		"affectedCount": 0,
     		"recoveredCount": 0,
     		"feverCount": 0,
     		"coughCount": 0,
     		"breathingIssuesCount": 0,
     		"lostSmellCount": 0,
     		"headacheCount": 0,
     		"musclePainCount": 0,
     		"soreThroatCount": 0,
     		"foodCount": 0,
     		"workCount": 1,
     		"medicinesCount": 1,
     		"doctorCount": 0,
     		"movingCount": 0,
     		"assistCount": 0,
     		"financialCount": 0,
     		"forceCount": 3,
     		"petsCount": 0,
     		"otherReasonCount": 1,
     		"location": [
     		"latAvg": 39.08660888671875,
     		"lonAvg": -77.2393798828125
  4. Get Points Accumulated by Country

    Gets the total points accumulated for users by every country. The _id attribute in the response, represents the country in ISO 3166-2 format

    Path: /points

    Method: GET

    Response Example:

            "_id": "MX",
            "points": 100
            "_id": "AR",
            "points": 200
  5. Get Top 100 Users Ranking

    Gets the top 100 users in all world by accumulated points in descending order.

    Path: /points/ranking

    Method: GET

    Response Example:

    		"subjectId": "0x87c4db9814a822d1b62a25721a1fba203622b4ce13fc15ae2ecdee34a87dec7f",
    		"country": "DO",
    		"region": "01",
    		"status": 0,
    		"points": 40
    		"subjectId": "0xa31830daed06afbad03b20ae86f6a04e3c978311ead09f796f427eae9294debe",
    		"country": "AR",
    		"region": "B",
    		"status": 0,
    		"points": 0
  6. Get User Ranking

    Gets the user ranking position in all world and their country. The subject id parameter in URL represents the user unique identifier in blockchain. The method also returns the country of specified user.

    Path: /points/user/:subjectId/ranking

    Method: GET

    Response Example:

    	"country": "DO",
    	"globalPosition": 0,
    	"countryPosition": 0
  7. Get User Points

    Gets the user accumulated points. The subject id parameter in URL represents the user unique identifier in blockchain. The method also returns the country of specified user.

    Path: /points/user/:subjectId

    Method: GET

    Response Example:

    	"points": 40
  8. Get User Stats

    Gets the user stats ranking and level. The subject id parameter in URL represents the user unique identifier in blockchain. The method returns:

    • Global position
    • Country position
    • State position
    • World total users
    • Country users
    • State total users
    • User points
    • Global median points
    • User level

    Path: /points/user/:subjectId/stats

    Method: GET

    Response Example:

    	"totalUsers": 166,
    	"countryUsers": 7,
    	"regionUsers": 6,
    	"globalPosition": 7,
    	"countryPosition": 0,
    	"regionPosition": 0,
    	"averagePoints": 7.954545454545454,
    	"histogram": [
    	"points": 20,
    	"level": 0


  1. Status Catalog
    Healthy: 0
    WithSymptoms: 1
    Affected: 2
    Recovered: 3
  2. Genders Catalog
    Male: 0
    Female: 1
    Unspecified: 2
    Other: 3

Copyright 2020 LACChain

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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