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Terraform module that creates an Azure AD application to provide Lacework read-only access to Azure Subscriptions and Tenants

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Terraform module that creates an Azure Active Directory Application to provide Lacework read-only access to Azure Subscriptions and Tenants. Lacework logins to Azure using a service principal (an App Registration) with Directory.Read.All on MS Graph API which can also be achieved using a Directory Reader role on Azure AD


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14
azuread ~> 2.25
lacework ~> 1.18


Name Version
azuread ~> 2.25
lacework ~> 1.18
time n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azuread_application.lacework resource
azuread_application_password.client_secret resource
azuread_directory_role.dir_reader resource
azuread_directory_role_assignment.lacework_dir_reader resource
azuread_service_principal.lacework resource
time_sleep.wait_60_seconds resource
azuread_client_config.current data source
lacework_metric_module.lwmetrics data source


Name Description Type Default Required
all_subscriptions [DEPRECATED] Use this input on upstream modules. ( and bool false no
application_identifier_uris [DEPRECATED] A list of user-defined URI(s) for the Lacework AD Application list(string) [] no
application_name The name of the Azure Active Directory Application string "lacework_security_audit" no
application_owners The owners of the Azure Active Directory Application. If empty, current user will be owner list(string) [] no
create Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources bool true no
enable_directory_reader Enable Directory Reader role for this principal. This will allow Lacework to read Users/Groups/Principals from MS Graph API bool true no
key_vault_ids [DEPRECATED] A list of Key Vault Ids used in your subscription for the Lacework AD App to have access to list(string) [] no
management_group_id [DEPRECATED] Use this input on upstream module: string "" no
password_length [DEPRECATED] The length of the Lacework AD Application password number 30 no
subscription_ids [DEPRECATED] Use this input on upstream modules. ( and list(string) [] no
tenant_id [DEPRECATED] A Tenant ID different from the default defined inside the provider string "" no
use_management_group [DEPRECATED] Use this input on upstream module: bool false no


Name Description
application_id The Lacework AD Application id
application_password The Lacework AD Application password
created Was the Active Directory Application created
enable_directory_reader Was the Active Directory Application granted Directory Reader role in Azure AD?
service_principal_id The Lacework Service Principal id
tenant_id [DEPRECATED] A Tenant ID used to configure the AD Application


Terraform module that creates an Azure AD application to provide Lacework read-only access to Azure Subscriptions and Tenants






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