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Most of the dotfiles for my i3, nvim, zsh configs with detailed instructions

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This repository contains most of my dotfiles with detailed comments and instructions on setting them up.

I try to update this along with my config, but it might take some time for me to describe new changes.

Since I currently use an i3 system with zsh as my shell and nvim as my editor, these are the most important configs here.

nvim config

A huge nvim config over here along with coc.vim settings.

Install nvim and drop these into ~/.config/nvim/

Install vim-plug or another plugin manager (that'd require modifying the plugin sections with that manager calls).

Use this command whenever you update plugins in your config:

nvim +PlugInstall +PlugClean +PlugUpdate +UpdateRemotePlugins

For use with CMake, activate this option to generate a compile_commands.json file, automatically picked up by the language server.

# add option in CMakeLists.txt
# save file in the main project folder from the build directory
ln -s ~/.../project/build/compile_commands.json ~/.../project/compile_commands.json

Install rust language server with these instructions

i3 config

My i3 config and i3status-rs setup. Some of the basic hotkeys, startup applications, nice status bar.

Just install i3-gaps and i3status-rust and drop the i3 config into ~/.config/i3/, i3status config into ~/.config/i3status-rust/.

zsh config

My .zshrc file with several aliases, plugins, and a fuzzy searcher.

Install zsh and set it up as a default shell, drop .zshrc into your home directory.


Most of the dotfiles for my i3, nvim, zsh configs with detailed instructions







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