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java role

License Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible


This Ansible role has the following features for:


  • Install JRE, JDK
  • Additional opportunity to install from openjdk-fallback, repositories, s3, web, chocolatey, local source.

Oracle Java:

  • Install JRE, JDK, Server-JRE
  • Additional opportunity to install from s3, web, local source.

DISCLAIMER: usage of any version of this role implies you have accepted the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE.


  • Install JDK
  • Additional opportunity to install from sapjvm-fallback, s3, web, local source.


  • Install JDK
  • Additional opportunity to install from zulu-fallback, s3, web, local source, chocolatey.


  • Install JDK, JRE
  • Additional opportunity to install from adoptium-fallback, repositories, web, local source, s3, chocolatey.


  • Install JDK, JRE
  • Additional opportunity to install from sapmachine-fallback, web, local source, chocolatey (only latest version), s3.

Alibaba Dragonwell 8 JDK

  • Install JDK
  • Alibaba Dragonwell 8 corresponds to OpenJDK 8 and is compatible with the Java SE Standard
  • Linux/x86_64 platform only
  • Additional opportunity to install from dragonwell8-fallback, web, local source, s3.

Amazon Corretto

  • Install JDK 8 and 11
  • Install JRE 8 (Amazon Linux 2 only)
  • Additional opportunity to install from fallback, web, local source, s3.


  • Version of the ansible for installation: 2.7
  • Supported OpenJDK version:
    • 8
      • EL 6: repositories, tarball
      • EL 7: repositories, tarball
      • EL 8: repositories, tarball
      • Ubuntu bionic: repositories, tarball
      • Debian stretch: repositories, tarball
      • Windows: tarball
    • 11
      • EL 6: tarball
      • EL 7: repositories, tarball
      • Ubuntu bionic: repositories, tarball
      • Debian stretch: tarball
      • Windows: tarball
    • 12
      • EL 6: tarball
      • EL 7: tarball
      • EL 8: tarball
      • Ubuntu bionic: tarball
      • Debian stretch: tarball
      • Windows: tarball
    • 13
      • EL 6: tarball, fallback
      • EL 7: tarball, fallback
      • EL 8: tarball, fallback
      • Ubuntu bionic: tarball, fallback
      • Debian stretch: tarball, fallback
      • Windows: tarball, fallback
  • Supported oracle java version:
    • 7
    • 8
    • 11
    • 12
  • Supported sapjvm version:
    • 7
    • 8
  • Supported zulu version:
    • 8
    • 11
    • 17
  • Supported Adoptium version:
    • 8
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13
  • Supported SapMachine version:
    • 11
      • EL 7: fallback
      • EL 8: fallback
      • Ubuntu bionic: fallback
      • Debian stretch: fallback
      • Windows: chocolatey (only latest version, don't support java_minor_version variables), fallback
    • 12
      • EL 7: tarball
      • EL 8: tarball
      • Ubuntu bionic: tarball
      • Debian stretch: tarball
      • Windows: tarball
    • 13
      • EL 7: fallback
      • EL 8: fallback
      • Ubuntu bionic: fallback
      • Debian stretch: fallback
      • Windows: chocolatey (only latest version, don't support java_minor_version variables), fallback
  • Supported Alibaba Dragonwell version:
    • 8.0.0
    • 8.1.1
  • Supported Amazon Corretto version:
    • 8
    • 11
  • Supported OS:
    • Ubuntu
      • bionic
      • xenial
      • trusty
    • Debian
      • stretch
      • buster
    • Amazon Linux
    • Amazon Linux 2
    • EL (RHEL/CentOS)
      • 6
      • 7
      • 8
    • Windows
      • 10
      • 2016
      • 2019

Role Variables

  • java_distribution Java distribution type, one of:

    • openjdk (default)

    • oracle_java

    • sapjvm

    • zulu

    • adoptium

    • sapmachine

    • dragonwell8

    • corretto

      Notice: this variable is mandatory in case of installing other distribution than 'openjdk'.

  • java_package Java package type.


    • jdk (default)
    • jre
  • transport Artifact source transport. Use fallback (OpenJDK, SAPJVM, Adoptium, SapMachine, ZULU, Alibaba Dragonwell, Amazon Corretto distributions are supported), repositories(OpenJDK, Adoptium, Amazon Corretto distributions are supported), local, web or s3 according to your requirements.


    • repositories Installing java from system repositories (yum or apt, Linux only)

    • web Fetching artifact from custom web url

    • chocolatey Windows specific package manager (Supported OpenJDK: JDK 11, 12 or JRE 8, SapMachine, ZULU, Adoptium)

    • local Local artifact stored on ansible master (can be used as cache for other transport)

    • s3 Download artifact from s3 bucket (Linux clients only, for Windows please use other transports)

    • fallback fetching artifacts from official sites (available for distributions: openjdk, sapjvm, zulu, adoptium, sapmachine, dragonwell8, corretto).
      This is default value for transport variable

      Notice using s3 transport requires specific packages to be installed on target host:

      • 'botocore'
      • 'boto'
      • 'boto3' These packages are not included in given role. You should install them preliminary.
  • java_tarball_install - boolean parameter to choose between tarball and package installation. Default is true if transport is not repositories.

  • java_major_version - major version of OpenJDK (8,11,17) or oracle-java (6,7,8, 11 etc.) Default is 12.

  • java_minor_version - minor version of oracle-java. For version 8.202 minor will be 202 (default). For OpenJDK this variable not needed setup manually.

  • java_arch Package architecture. (With installing OpenJDK from repositories its variable you may use only for RHEL )


    • x64 for x86_64 (default)
    • i586 for x86
  • java_path Where java package will be installed. Notice Not use this variable if transport = repositories selected

    default values depend on OS distribution:

    • RedHat: /usr/java (/usr/lib/jvm from repositories)
    • Debian: /usr/lib/jvm
    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Java
  • java_download_path: Local folder for downloading artifacts

    Linux default: /tmp

    Windows default: TEMP environment variable

  • transport_web URI for http/https artifact e.g. ""

  • transport_web: "" (OpenJDK 11 for example)

  • transport_local Path for local artifact e.g. "/tmp/jdk-8u172-linux-x64.tar.gz"

  • transport_s3_bucket - s3 bucket name

    default: s3_bucket

  • transport_s3_path - path to patch folder in bucket

    default: /folder

  • transport_s3_aws_access_key - aws key. Need to be set as parameter or env variables according to

    default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_ACCESS_KEY') }}

  • transport_s3_aws_secret_key - aws secret key. Need to be set as parameter or env variables according to

    default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_SECRET_KEY') }}

Configure Adoptium

  • adoptium_impl Adoptium Implementation
    • hotspot (default)
    • openj9

Configure executable paths

  • java_setup_path - to enable binary path setup. If true java binaries are added to system paths, profile is updated and alternatives are set. If set to false - no system settings updates will be done excepting performed by package scenarios.
    default: true

Configure alternatives priority

  • java_alternative_priority - priority configuration. Usefull if you need low priority setup. default: 100

Configure unlimited policy

  • java_unlimited_policy_enabled - to apply unlimited policy

    default: false

  • java_unlimited_policy_transport Artifact source transport. Use fallback, local, web or s3 for more predictable result.
    defaule: fallback


    • web Fetching artifact from custom web url
    • local Local artifact stored on ansible master
    • s3 artifact in s3 bucket
  • java_unlimited_policy_transport_web URI for http/https artifact e.g. ""

  • java_unlimited_policy_transport_local Path for local artifact e.g. "/tmp/"

  • java_unlimited_policy_transport_s3_bucket - s3 bucket name

    default: s3_bucket

  • java_unlimited_policy_transport_s3_path - path to patch folder in bucket

    default: /folder

Some examples of the installing current role

ansible-galaxy install

Example Playbook

Installing OpenJDK 17 from openjdk-fallback (default role behaviour):

- name: Install openjdk java
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_major_version: 17

Installing OpenJDK 8 from repositories:

- name: Install openjdk java
  hosts: all

    - role:
      transport: repositories
      java_major_version: 8

Installing OpenJDK 11 from web:

- name: Install openjdk java
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_major_version: 11
      java_tarball_install: true
      transport: web

Installing Oracle java 8 from local file:

- name: Install oracle java
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: oracle_java
      transport: local
      transport_local: /tmp/jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz

Installing Oracle java 8 from S3 bucket:

Before install you should prepare host to use aws_s3 module

- name: Install java
  hosts: all
    - role:
        java_distribution: oracle_java
        java_package: jre
        java_major_version: 8
        transport: s3
        transport_s3_bucket: java-s3-bucket
        transport_s3_path: /java/jre-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz

Installing OpenJDK 11.0.2 on Windows host with win_chocolatey:

- name: Install java
  hosts: windows

    - role:
      java_package: jdk
      transport: chocolatey
      java_major_version: 11
      java_minor_version: 0.2

Installing SAPJVM 8 from sapjvm-fallback:

- name: Install sapjvm
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: sapjvm
      transport: fallback
      java_major_version: 8

Installing ZULU 17 from zulu-fallback:

- name: Install zulu
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: zulu
      transport: fallback
      java_major_version: 17
      java_package: jdk

Installing Adoptium 8-openj9-jre from adoptium-fallback:

- name: Install Adoptium
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: adoptium
      transport: fallback
      java_package: jre
      adoptium_impl: openj9
      java_major_version: 8

Installing SapMachine sapmachine-jre-10 from sapmachine-fallback:

- name: Install SapMachine
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: sapmachine
      transport: fallback
      java_package: jre
      java_major_version: 10

Installing Alibaba Dragonwell 8 from dragonwell8-fallback:

- name: Install Alibaba Dragonwell8
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: dragonwell8
      transport: fallback
      java_major_version: 8

Installing Amazon Corretto JDK 8 from corretto-fallback:

- name: Install Amazon Corretto
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: corretto
      transport: fallback
      java_major_version: 8

Installing Amazon Corretto JDK 11 from repo on Amazon Linux 2:

- name: Install Amazon Corretto
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: corretto
      transport: repositories
      java_major_version: 11

Installing Amazon Corretto JDK 11 on Ubuntu 18.04 from web:

- name: Install Amazon Corretto
  hosts: all

    - role:
      java_distribution: corretto
      transport: web



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