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ToDoList 📝

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💻 Description

ToDoList is a simple application to create day-to-day tasks

📖 About ToDoList

ToDoList was created with the purpose of studies to learn more about Laravel. Despite being a simple application, I was able to learn more about blade, which is a simple and powerful Laravel engineering monitor. I also learned more about routes, paging, and search.

Vite was also used in this application. For those unfamiliar with Vite, it is a frontend build tool, which provides a fast development environment and bundles your code for production. In the case of Laravel, using Vite to bundle the application's CSS and JavaScript files into production ready assets.

📌 Technologies Used

As seguintes ferramentas foram usadas na construção do projeto:

  • PHP, version: 8.0.2
  • Laravel, version: 9.19

⌨ How to use?

  1. In this first part you will clone the repository:

        git clone
  2. Next you will enter the directory:

        cd to-do-list-laravel
  3. The next step is to install the dependencies:

        composer install
  4. Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env

  5. Run an application for development mode:

         npm run dev

    and in another terminal window run

    	php artisan serve
  6. The server will start on port:8000 - go to http://localhost:8000

Future Features

  • Adjust the layout to be responsive
  • Add alert modal for delete icon

🧑‍🚀🚀 Contribution

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, open a competition question first what you would like to change.

👩‍💻 Author

Developed by Leticia Dias